Need advice on high speed air turbine rotary tools

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27 Dec 2016
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Hi I am interested in purchasing a high speed air turbine rotary tool for use in detail carving wood and horn, I have noticed quite a few for sale in USA (SCM, Shofu, turbo carver ect). I am mainly looking for recommendations and most importantly any EU stores that may have stock as getting hit by customs on this item would hurt.

Thanks in advance for any help and advice :)
Not a small investment, would certainly want to get it right if at all possible.

Never having done this sort of thing in wood are the precision air turbine units that superior to something of the Dremel ilk or flex drive driven.

Presume it's the light weight and subsequent ease of manipulation over extended periods where they score.
CHJ":27qwj4ga said:
are the precision air turbine units that superior to something of the Dremel ilk or flex drive driven.

Presume it's the light weight and subsequent ease of manipulation over extended periods where they score.


From my reasearch, breaks down into three groups:

Dremel et al - general purpose multi tool, max speed approx 20k rpm.
Dedicated elec power (mastercarver et al), dedicated carving tool, micro motor in hand piece, speed upto 50k rpm
Pneumatic carvers, detail only, minor material removal, ideal for piercing etc. Speed circa 400k rpm

Choice between first two is based on level of specialism. Faster, dedicated unit easier to use, no strain due to flex drive and faster speed makes carving easier as less tendency to follow grain etc (comparison is turning at 500 rpm vs 1000 rpm - one bumpy other smooth and easy - both can work but one easier than other).

My take on it anyway, happy to be corrected if others know more / different.

I haven't used one but watched the videos and instantly set my teeth on edge, whistle reminds me off the dentist. #-o

I don't think I'll be swapping my Foredom anytime soon. I don't find any problems using that btw or the Dremel I also own. Mine is an old " H " model h/d square shaft and I use a collet type handpiece mainly for 6mm or 1/4" shaft cutters and another chucked type. handpiece for others, changeover takes only seconds and though I don't know what decibels the machine kicks out it doesn't seem any more than those demonstrated.
