Established Member
Caulking was also used in steam boilers which might explain the curved back of the tool rather than the flat backs on shipwrights caulking irons
Cheers, tom
Cheers, tom
Pete Maddex":lrl4nalg said:I was just checking Toshio Odate book about something else when I came across a page of chisels and gouges its page 76 and it has an illustration of your chisel.
Its called a Maru-nomi (round chisel or gouge) and has the identical profile, I guess yours has never been sharpened or been misused!
woodbrains":3jtd9fno said:Hello,
Are you sure the shape is the same. Maru nomi are generally gouges similar to Western carving tools, I'm not sure they would be hooped at the top and the handles would be much shorter. Would the OP be willing to separate the handle from the socket, which would prove a lot about its origin, at least. A Japanese tool will have a tang in the socket, whereas a Westen tool would just have the socket.
swb58":3i9h2z02 said:Ebay item number 171368580798. Looks similar to op.