I have the same lathe and have picked up various stuff on E Bay. Parts and whole machines come up fairly regularly. I would keep your search broad as a lot of people don't know what they are, so Myford lathe for example. You will get a lot of hits, but If you search specifically for ML 4 you may miss some.
The other issue is that whilst a headstock from one machine will fit another, the likelihood is that the centre height will be off as they were set up individually. Can I ask what is wrong with it?
If the bearings are worn then companies like A.M.Philpot hard Chrome in Luton can restore the shaft, and in my case I got them to make it slightly oversize so the existing bearing shells could be reamed out to suit. If you go that route then of course you have to bore out the components that run on the shaft as well.
Not cheap, cost me about £250 a few years ago now if I remember correctly, but restored it to like new.
It was my only lathe at the time so worth it to me.