I did not mention that every jig that they choos to publish, they send me a contract to sign and after I sign, they send me a check on $75, so far it covered my new Hitachi M8V2 router and more.
For the one that was choosen as a "Top Shop Tip" they will send me a $225 worth tool (I don't know which one but I asked to send it from EU - 230V - so I can use it).
But there is a "catch", I cannot give any other magazine or publisher in the written or the electronic media for 6 months fron the day the contract was signed.
So, as you can see, I'm limited with publishing in other medea...
About cutting the grass...look at my wife's garden...I'm limited to digging the holes and putting the trees in...all the rest is "hers"...
It's two different kingdoms....The shop (garage) is my territory and the garden is my wife's territory and everybody for himself....but she loves it tidy...she spends more time in the garden than in the kitchen
You don't make garden like that when you are young and your priorities are different...you make it when you are old, retired and the garden is the main focus...
After checking a few dictionaries, I found that the plural of "Forum" is "Fora" and that adds to the so many irregulars of the English language...