My first Project

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Established Member
18 May 2006
Reaction score
Well thanks to all of the help and advice on here :D I have finally finished one of the many projects that I have started over the last few aint perfect :x but it has been a great learning curve.......

Click for large pics

Comments/Criticisms welcome
It would be helpful to explain how it was constructed, ie did you put the chamfer on before or after glueing? How have you held the glass in place? How are the mitres joined, biscuits, dowels, or just plain glued.
Sorry! The whole frame was made from a peice of rough sawn oak (planed and thicknessed down to size)
The chamfer was put on after the frame was put together (easier to line up :D ), the mitres are held by biscuit joints although towards the end I also drilled a 6mm dowel (more for decoration) straight through the mitre to add a bit of strength and a bit of detail (you can see the softwood dowel on pic 3 if you look closely enough.

For the mirror I routed a 8mm step on the back of the frame and place 5mm board behind the mirror (ie the mirror is sandwiched between the frame and backing board) this is then held in place with panel pins!!
Very nice - See its always good to find out how it was done. I missed the dowels on first look. I would have used screws as it will be difficult to get the panel pins out if you need to change the glass
senior":2r4feyyu said:
Nowt wrong with it, I always pin my backs in as well.

I know it isn't really :D its just when I was growing up my dad only used nails to make anything and I just don't like using them if I can get away with it.

Very nice mirror, regerding the mitred joints the biscuits would have been strong enough of a joint, without going rthe extra mile, but as you wanted some decoration I guess it doesn't matter.

Thanks for sharing with us.
Nice job - I always use cut brads for the back of picture or mirror frames.They're much sharper :shock: than panel pins and 'cos they're wedged shaped they slightly compress the backing panel onto the rebate as they are tapped in - Rob
Looks good to me too.

I bet it is quite heavy so take care with the fixings and alwways use wire and not string/cord DAMHIKT :oops: .

Thnaks for all of the positive comments - they really are very gratefully received.

Woodbloke - i knew there was something better than panel pins - will use them next time :D

Dedee - not sure how to hang it yet - thought maybe route a hole in the back on each side and then hook onto a fixing... :?

Evergreen - I cut the mitres on my triton 2000 workbench/saw it has a 45 mitre was by far the hardest part of the frame and took me a couple of attempts :? even so they are far from perfect!

Once again many thanks for advice and encouragement:D ....fabulous forum
Rgds J
Thallow wrote:
Dedee - not sure how to hang it yet - thought maybe route a hole in the back on each side and then hook onto a fixing

Best way in my view is to use picture rings and wire, not cord, there's gonna be quite allot of weight on the fixings so you need to make sure there'e up to the job - Rob
Thallow - Well done. Very nice... especially for a first project.

Getting the mitres right is a bugger.

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