Right , its time for me to get into the 21st century, b4 it passes me by
heh ? you ask, :?
well what I mean is that I have (homer) mumbled and bumbled my way through diverse web page making programs,
](*,) :sign3: I am lost as HOW to make a reasonable website. :twisted: I therefore throw down a challenge to fellow members here - :-k
help a 20th century woodworker understand 21st century tech.!
Send help by email,pm, or shank's pony , all help will be treated with respect and a pint of beer to giver
sick of crashing pc's - just give me wood any day
heh ? you ask, :?
well what I mean is that I have (homer) mumbled and bumbled my way through diverse web page making programs,
](*,) :sign3: I am lost as HOW to make a reasonable website. :twisted: I therefore throw down a challenge to fellow members here - :-k
help a 20th century woodworker understand 21st century tech.!
Send help by email,pm, or shank's pony , all help will be treated with respect and a pint of beer to giver
sick of crashing pc's - just give me wood any day