Morticers, Axminster MT25 or Scheppach HCM25 advice please

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14 Jun 2011
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I am looking for my first morticer and am considering the Axminster MT25 and Scheppach HCM25.
The Axminster says that it is trade rated and is on offer but still is around £100 more than the Scheppach. Some of the specs look similar, both 750w, 25mm in softwood but Axminster Max Height of Timber with 12.7mm Chisel and Bit 275mm and Scheppach distance under the chisel 200mm.
I guess I really want to know if the Axminster is worth the extra and am I comparing similar quality machines or is the Scheppach more of a hobby machine?

Any other suggestions for machines around this price range would be most welcome.

Many thanks
I've got the little Axminster one with the sliding table: AW16BM. I like it, but the lack of space under the table is an issue. The riser block works, but it's a right PITA to set up as both it and the column need shimming (differently!) to be true. I haven't checked the parallelism of the chisel collar to the rack+pinion - it's slightly adjustable as there's a gib strip - but it was unexpected to have to sort out the column's perpendicularity.

These Chinese things are OK (and I'm most definitely not singling out Axminster), but you ARE buying something built down to a price. The Sheppach looks to be of similar design to mine, implying it comes from a "similar" factory! The MT25 looks to be quite different in design (although probably Chinese origin). I like the idea of a sacrificial/removable plate, as it's much easier than messing about with packers underneath (although you'll get more breakout, I guess).

Assuming it will through-mortice at close to the max thickness (you need scrap underneath to protect the chisel, obviously), I'd go for the Axminster as it'll be more practical with the extra reach, and their after-sales service really is as good as people say (in my experience). They keep a good range of spares for their own-brand stuff too, so anything you break is replaceable off the shelf. And being trade-rated (mine is now 'hobby' apparently), should count too.

Many thanks for your advice, I have gone for the Axminster.