More messing around.

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Established Member
27 Sep 2006
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Been trying the new lathe out this week so have just been using up some blanks that i've had on the rack for a while,and came up with these pieces.
The lathe i have to say as been great with none of the problems i was experiencing before. :D

Spalted Beech,finished with Danish Oil which as darkened the wood quite a lot. :shock:

Another piece of Yew,again finished with D O.

This was just an experiment to see how the lathe would cope with a longish piece of end grain,and it coped well.
Turkey Oak,again donated by Cornucopia.Finished with D O.

This was just an off cut of Laburnum which has a lot of Sapwood,so was turned end grain.Finished with D O.
Glad your new 'baby' is OK Paul. You deserve it by now. Nice forms as well.
Good to see you back spinning Paul, need to get recruting the new marketing manager now.
That first piece is definitely a Paul bowl. I'm glad the new baby is behaving. Giving you indpiration as well by the look of it, some lovely pieves there

Thanks for the comments :D
Yes it is a relief now to have a lathe that works how it should and to be happy with it.It does make a difference i feel :roll:
Now i feel at ease with it it's time to get on with some hollowing and some bigger bowls,but i have been offered some help tomorrow so the bench will be taken apart and cut down to size.So not quite settled yet :roll:
great stuff Paul- i'm really pleased that you are getting on well with the vicmarc lathe- did you like the turkey oak? some folks think its slightly softer than common oak.
Thanks George and Mark :D

Cornucopia wrote
did you like the turkey oak? some folks think its slightly softer than common oak.
I thought it was ok George.Seemed a little splintery but i got a really good finish on the endgrain which hardley needed sanding :shock:
I cut the piece you gave me in half so i can do a better looking goblet next time :roll:
Great Stuff Paul ....

Particularly like the spalted beech piece, and the laburnum just tips it as the favourite of the set.

Really delighted that the new machine is ticking all the boxes...
thats the biggest 'plus' of all !... really chuffed for you...
great !! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks Alun :D

LW wrote
That spalted beech was a stunning piece of wood

Yes it was LW,kindly donated by CHJ.Sorry i spoilt it :lol:
This blank did have three big splits in it which i turned out,which is why it ended up as it has.The one split is still slightly visible.
Nice to see you back turning again,Paul - hope it's the start of a beautiful friendship between you and the lathe.. :lol:
