Established Member
Been trying the new lathe out this week so have just been using up some blanks that i've had on the rack for a while,and came up with these pieces.
The lathe i have to say as been great with none of the problems i was experiencing before.
Spalted Beech,finished with Danish Oil which as darkened the wood quite a lot. :shock:
Another piece of Yew,again finished with D O.
This was just an experiment to see how the lathe would cope with a longish piece of end grain,and it coped well.
Turkey Oak,again donated by Cornucopia.Finished with D O.
This was just an off cut of Laburnum which has a lot of Sapwood,so was turned end grain.Finished with D O.
The lathe i have to say as been great with none of the problems i was experiencing before.
Spalted Beech,finished with Danish Oil which as darkened the wood quite a lot. :shock:

Another piece of Yew,again finished with D O.

This was just an experiment to see how the lathe would cope with a longish piece of end grain,and it coped well.
Turkey Oak,again donated by Cornucopia.Finished with D O.

This was just an off cut of Laburnum which has a lot of Sapwood,so was turned end grain.Finished with D O.