big soft moose":3kivl2n3 said:
I fully concur with peter - but i'm not going to nag you about it either (in addition to the tornique you can alsao get packets of haemostatic granules which were originally developed by the military to deal with shell fragment wounds but which also give a much better chance of surving a major chainsaw/skilsaw cut.)
Haven't heard of the granules. Interesting I'll do a google on those.
Thanks for all the advice guys, and from Peter99. I consider myself hands smacked and thoroughly chastised

All comments taken on board and of course are valid!
I'm ashamed as I used to lecture part time and it's a case of do as I say, not as I do.
I'm a sole trader with small business and luckily my circumstances and age mean that I can pick and choose the work I accept. But the fact is that there are many occasions where it is just not practical to erect effective scaffolding.
I own 3 towers, trestles and masses of scaffold so have the gear.
Small extensions and coservatories on domestic properties often in very tight spaces with various obstacles means you just can't get the damn stuff in. Always do if I can though and it's always factored into my costs. My work is all recommendation, I gave up worrying about being undercut on price years ago!
Another problem is electricity and the English weather as whilst i have the usual 110v equipment, there are times when I have to use 240v and i can't justify doubling up on tools.
Thank goodness for cordless which is the biggest safety improvent in recent years IMO.
I think also that it's the familiar things you do which most often catch you out because you're on autopilot and most deaths and serious injuries in the construction industry is caused by falls.
If you are 4mtrs up on a building you are bloody careful all the time, if 2 mtrs high it doesn't seem so bad - both can kill you if you hit something hard at the bottom.
Years ago we'd been working for weeks at 4mtrs on a large commercial extension but when inside on 1 mtr high staging, my brother fell off (careless) and broke an arm............may have been worse if I hadn't grabbed his collar on the way down. For weeks he told people I tried to strangle him! :lol: :lol: