Mobile phones.

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Established Member
8 Nov 2011
Reaction score
Sunny South Wales
I have mobile phone but rarely use it.
Recently I was instructed to switch it on when I was supervising the kids in a playground whilst my wife went to a nearby hospital appointment. The plan was that as soon as she was finished she would call me and I would start walking back to the car park to meet her. It was a very sunny, hot afternoon and, without my reading glasses, the telephone screen was a complete blur.
After a rather long wait I tried to call her by finding her on my contacts list. I pressed what I thought was her name, Laura, but later found out that I had called our local child minder, Karen. Any five letters look the same when you are looking at a sunlit blurred screen. I did this three times apparently.
When I had an incoming call I pressed what I thought was the receive symbol but the call abruptly ended.
When I eventually met up with my wife her first words were "Who did you mean to send that text message to?"
My response, of course, was "I didn't send any message. I can barely see the screen let alone type a message".
She produced her phone and, sure enough, there was a message sent from my phone saying "Can't talk now. Call me later?"
My phone also showed that I had sent it.
After an evening of very suspicious looks from my wife, I told a work colleague what had happened and he immediately said "That's the default message sent by your phone if you can't take a call"
I had obviously pressed something to block her incoming call but had no idea that a message would be sent and nether did my wife. It was a very awkward few hours.

Only smart if you are young.

Mine answers the call if you swipe one way, swipe the other way and it ends the call.

They are very hard to use in bright sunshine.
Another old git here.... you have my sympathies. Even though I program computers for a living I just cannot seem to control my phone. Partly because I get so few calls (I like to be out when I am out) and partly through disinterest in finding out how it really works (why the hell do they not have decent manuals to read?) I find myself panicking whenever I do get a call.

When it is time for a replacement I want a dumb phone.
Alexam":2u4bazob said:
So, whats the simplest 'dumb' phone I can buy for next time?

I've got three perfectly working old style phones I don't mind letting go for almost nothing - 2 nokia 6280's and an ericsson T715 - they are the "slide the face up to get to the numbers" type.

I miss my nokia 6110 sometimes too.
I bought one of those flip phones made by Doro who specialise in phones for old people. Quite big buttons (no touch or scroll) and big writing and louder sound. The lid closes on it so you cant press the buttons by accident when its in your pocket lol. My kids think its shi*e :D strangely I cannot use scroll screen due to having the wrong "grease" on my fingers - apparently its an issue for those that work with their hands ie solvents etc btw I'm 57 haha. It looks dead naff but at least i can use it....
Nokia have re-launched their 3310. that's one of the simplest. ... c-novelty/

I have one for work use - very good battery life (~1 week)

However, if you go to somewhere like Tesco, you used to be able to get a very simple camera, with pre-loaded credit, for about £10. We used to use them to send our kids to festivals with, as it was too expensive to take their iphones.

Lost cause now, but it was a good idea for a while.

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