Microcontroller controlled Iris Dust gate and switch


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Established Member
19 Oct 2023
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Just finished this project ready for implementing in my workshed. A 3d printed iris dust gate to work with 40mm PVC waste pipe.


You flip the switch and the iris opens, flip the switch and the iris closes. Sounds simple but required the servo to be adjustable (for closure accuracy) and upscalable so that more gates can be added to the hardware.

If anyone is interested in this my project should be here : Servo adapter for Saurons Iris Dust gate by jim123

Im not a programmer by any means, really just brought the work of two people together and very thankful. Sauron on Thingiverse who designed the iris and the UKHeliBob who programmed the servo. The rest I just threw together with an adapter.

Good for small spaces I thought and those on a budget with a hoover like shop vac such as me. Feedback and questions welcome.
HI Pete, Literally just came off the design and manufacture stage, Ill test it in reality with the chop saw probably in a few days I hope using a bit of really dry chip board to see if it clogs. I dont think it will in my set up at least. Here some images of the open and closed. Ive just disconnected the armature to adjust as Ive realised I can get a little more movement out of it thus a mm of iris opening.


  • IMG_1191[1].JPG
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  • IMG_1190[1].JPG
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A video of the iris in operation during testing.


  • iris.mpg
    2.2 MB
This is brill! I look forward to seeing how it goes for you. I've tinkered on and off for a while with my own idea for motorising the 'standard' pull/push blast gates but this has now got me thinking.
This is brill! I look forward to seeing how it goes for you. I've tinkered on and off for a while with my own idea for motorising the 'standard' pull/push blast gates but this has now got me thinking.
Thanks Lard, Space is my real issue until I can convice the better half that an workshop extension is a safety requirement !!, With the blast gates that you mentioned I seen a few motorised examples although for very large sytems they didnt look like they'd scale down very well to the 40mm pvc waste pipe im using, I really had to avoid the door associated with that style sticking out as I knew for sure Id catch it with something and end up having unneccessary problems .
Thanks for the pictures and video. I guess time will tell how it works against the pull of the vacuum and dust in it.

Pete ...
I too thought that the travel of the iris 'petals' may struggle when faced with the flowrate - it'll be interesting to see how this idea fares under real operating conditions ...
Just reporting back on some quick tests I managed this morning for those who may be interested. Firstly as far as pressure or lack of it for me there is nothing to worry about. When the gate is closed it keeps the pressure high enough in my system. When the gate is open flow is fine and dust/chips are collected without an blockages so far, even using my temporary "james" hoover (my shop vac gave up). Bear in my I have a very small system and its only 40mm pvc pipework.
However the nature of the design at the moment means that any stress on the pipework feeding into and out of the iris prevents its operation. It creates unforseen friction which is too much for the servo. This I shall fix with a simple cover over the extended iris but around the two ends of the pipe to keep them clamped in place after integration into the system.
Ill report back.
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Further testing I discovered the simply bracketing the inlet and outlet pipes to the wall behind does the trick however I understand this may not always suit so Ill still investigate a self contained fix.
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