Me ?? am I a paid up member ++ potect tenon from rot

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25 May 2007
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West Cumbria
Am I an (annually) paid up member of this marvellous forum??

What advice on how to treat blind mortice and tenon joint from wood rot in soft wood
In a redwood rail piece of 4x2x72" (100x50xmmx1.8m) going into a stile of 4x3" (100x 75mm) the tenon would be (about) 3" (75mm) long and 3/4" (20mm) wide with 1/2" (12mm) shoulder top and bottom.
To date over the many years I have just soaked them in a bucket of nitromors but they always seem to rot in about 10 yeras.
Personally, I'd prefer to make tenons in outdoor stuff through, and wedge the end tight. Any gaps inside (and there are bound to be some) will be ideal starting points for rot IMO.
Personally, I'd prefer to make tenons in outdoor stuff through, and wedge the end tight. Any gaps inside (and there are bound to be some) will be ideal starting points for rot IMO.

West Cumbria is full (even nowadays) of old wooden gates. Best to copy their traditional designs and materials, as they've evolved to be the best that can be managed to last as long as possible. Softwood isn't usually involved and neither is glue. Definitely not Nitromors. :)

Through wedged M&Ts and/or drawbored M&Ts are generally used, with various bracing designs of the whole gate to reduce the sagging inclinations and too much strain on the joints. Oak was the usual wood as it was available from coppice woods throughout Cumberland (as it was once known).
On the farm gates we used to use Red-lead powder mixed with oil and paint all the M/T joints and crossover braces, for the gate and fence posts we used to burn the bottoms and soak in oil for a week and some had bitumen paint slapped on before dropping in the ground.

I don't know if you can still get red lead, might have been banned by now.
Old engine oil and diesel mix soak the post for a month
Years ago when I worked for a seismic exploration company working in the Cameroon we lived in portakabin style semi-mobile single-room caravans and we had lots of issues with wildlife infestations particularly with termites eating the wooden steps placed at the foot of each door.
~A thorough soaking with diesel seemed to work fine...!
Hydrolux end grain sealer is probably one of the best kept secrets in joinery but should compulsory for all external work no matter what timber.
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Am I an (annually) paid up member of this marvellous forum??

What advice on how to treat blind mortice and tenon joint from wood rot in soft wood
In a redwood rail piece of 4x2x72" (100x50xmmx1.8m) going into a stile of 4x3" (100x 75mm) the tenon would be (about) 3" (75mm) long and 3/4" (20mm) wide with 1/2" (12mm) shoulder top and bottom.
To date over the many years I have just soaked them in a bucket of nitromors but they always seem to rot in about 10 yeras.
Nitromors? Really?
Timber Gate and Fence posts rot at ground level where Oxygen and water can get to the timber, prevention at ground level is essential, anyone who has dug up rotted timber post can attest too that.
OK, my application to join the stoopid squad has been rapidly approved and indeed I am being classed as a natural leader in the squad.

NOT Nitromors I should have said Creosote !!!
I am aware of the dangers of creosote.
I realise my membership of UKW has expired
OK, my application to join the stoopid squad has been rapidly approved and indeed I am being classed as a natural leader in the squad.

NOT Nitromors I should have said Creosote !!!
I am aware of the dangers of creosote.
I realise my membership of UKW has expired
You don't have to be a paid up member. I've been on ukworkshop from years ago, near the start when it was a Yahoo group. It's been through various managements in the meantime and I've never paid a penny.
You don't have to be a paid up member. I've been on ukworkshop from years ago, near the start when it was a Yahoo group. It's been through various managements in the meantime and I've never paid a penny.
You have probably made them a fortune with the amount of post you've made Jacob.

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