Signing your work is very important, if not important to you in your lifetime, then for the interest of those in the future. It is part of the tradition.
There are many fascinating examples.
Barnsley and Peters used a stamp.
Robert Ingham now inlays a patinated bronze casting on the exterior. Good Marketing?
The best marketing wheeze of all time however was the carved mouse by the mouseman, Robert Thompson.
I guarantee that a higher percentage of the population have heard of him than of any modern maker.
Signing is an opportunity for ingenuity and fun. It was usually done on undersides, and carved so that it could not easily be removed.
Inlay/marquetry, often used by guitar makers.
Chris Becksvoort hides a freshly minted silver dollar somewhere in the joinery, so that it can be found when disassembled. For his 500th piece he got a gold dollar from the US treasury!
How many other methods have you all come across please?
David Charlesworth