My two penny’s worth. There are for me two types of wood workers, those who earn a living from it and the hobbyist. For the commercial shop, the cost of getting a Set of cutters made is simply costed into the job, it’s cheaper to have a set of cutters made (about £53 in 48 hrs for 55mm cutters and limiters) than it is to make an error running a few meters of stuff to find it’s not the profile you wanted or to find only one cutter cutting / not sharp consistently sharp around the profile etc not producing a good enough surface finish requiring extra work.
For the hobbies, the very limited number of times a standard off the shelf say 40mm Euro cutter isn’t available (say £20 for cutters and limiters, £12 for a new cutter when you have the limiters) it’s worth getting a dedicated cutter and limiters set made Again for £53.
Putting aside the H&S, when standard patterns are easily available and very cheap, the need or desire to grind your cutters is probably marginalised to shall we say ‘traditionalists’. I would never ever advocate anyone trying to make their own profile cutters, however people do, and that is their prerogative.