I would look at drilling down the center of a brass rod - small, but fairly lathe required - then cutting to size to create the holes for the pin - you can either silver solder, tap and thread ( look at model engineering for an idea how small you can get threads to be) or braze them to plates.
Cutting brass sheet is fairly easy work with a hack saw - it doesnt take much filing either its a soft metal. Just keep a couple good wire brushes close by to clean the file every now and then.
Of course a flap disc and angle grinder will get it nice and straight a lot quicker - leaving you only the finish filing to be done but you probably need a welders helmet or a full face shield to stop you getting gob fulls of hot brass dust i would go with mask too if power sanding as it raises a very fine and hot dust every now and then which always seems to be aimed straight at your face