Making a shed door

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Nick c

Established Member
17 Dec 2023
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So I'm going to be making a ledge and braced door out of T&G oak boards but want to know should l glue the boards. I'm thinking about wood expansion so maybe not. Also in terms of the size of the door how much gap should l leave between the door and the rough opening of the frame.
Any advice would be greatly received.
Nope, don’t glue them. Assuming it’s not painted, gap should be 1/8” or 3mm all around assuming normal range of single pedestrian door.
As far as I know you just nail (or screw) that kind of door together and a 1/8" reveal seems standard.

I always recommend the book on doors and windows from lost art press, it's been invaluable to me.
I'd also leave them inside the shed for a week two so that they acclimatise to the humidity before construction. They it will be true to size.. sucking eggs and all....👍
Thanks for the advice guys ill see if l can find a copy of the book.l need to make a window for the shed as well.