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Established Member
23 Jul 2007
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Bradford, West Yorkshire ... 233822.stm

Just read that and remembered how distressing it was when the story broke. Now it seems that the "heavier" charges won't go ahead - but the sad thing is according to the article, the attackers had done it before and on that day should have been at the police station - but decided to go out and attack the uncle & nephew pair - which caused all the headlines.

Now with minor charges and therefore minor sentences.

Makes you wonder WTF the world is coming to.
Little f*ckers should be banged up and never let out. Reminds me of the James Bulger case and how those scrotes are out and about living their lives again while that little kiddie is gone and his family have to deal with that on a daily basis.

We are too soft on this kind of stuff! Get them on the f*cking chain gangs, breaking rocks for the rest of their days!

Sorry for the rant but I'm sick of this kind of sh!t, when these kinds of people are getting away with this (which even if they spend 10 years in nick before thye get out, that is still getting away with it in my mind) and pensioners are getting nicked for being unable to pay their heating bills!

Wouldn't happen if I was President of the World!
I wouldn't say it made me wonder what the world was coming to...'s a prime example of exactly what the world has come to and where it is going.

Sickening story.

Absolutely sickening.

It's as unsurprising as it is disgusting that GBH and so on were dropped too. There's just no common sense left in the official mechanisms of this country. None at all.

We live on such a beautiful island it still amazes me when I get into the countryside (and as someone who used to live in the French Alps that's saying a lot) and yet a minority of scumbags (both criminal and politician alike) are doing all they can to make the place uninhabitable.

When will this poxy, useless goverment wake up to this and other cases and start to dish out some proper sentences (regardless of age) ffs. :evil:

Apologies for the rant.

If this happened to my two boys I'd be the one going to jail 'cos I'd hunt the little scumbags down and ****ing kill them. Wonder if some bloody liberal peacenik would get the court to drop the charges against me or send me for hug therapy or whatever the Hell they do with our tax money to 'punish' violent criminals these days. :evil:
Vormulac":3vq3cqrr said:
If this happened to my two boys I'd be the one going to jail 'cos I'd hunt the little scumbags down and ****ing kill them. Wonder if some bloody liberal peacenik would get the court to drop the charges against me or send me for hug therapy or whatever the Hell they do with our tax money to 'punish' violent criminals these days. :evil:

I have 2 children and I entirely understand what you are saying!

After the 1st post - I came across the following item ... 235661.stm

about the mother, which softened the position slightly towards to 2 boys (the attackers) and made me wonder exactly WTF are Doncaster Coucil, the Social Services there getting paid to do. They've been in the news before for other failings of their Social Services and calls for their Lord Mayor to resign - IIRC.

At least with Baby P - they individuals got life and the silly cow in charge of Social Services got the sack. Part of me thinks that sometimes dismissal is just too good for these arses who just spend years empire building with complete disregard for what the actual purpose of their jobs is.

I suppose it's the greater issues - yes Society is judged how it deals with those less fortunate (in many senses of the word) but at what point do you say enough is enough? And then do we slip down the slippery slope?

In this case as they're young (the attackers that is) there maybe possibility of turning their lives round but the mother who fed them cannabis and left them to rot - what about her? Initial inclination says "shoot the silly cow!" - be easier all round. But is that right? Again, is that the slippery slope?

But what about the incompotent little twats in Doncater City Hall - my annoyance is minor for the 2 children and their mother compared to these "civil servants".

BigShot":3vq3cqrr said:'s a prime example of exactly what the world has come to and where it is going.

Call it a dream but I still cling to the hope that we aren't quite there yet - one does still see occasions when humanity shines and I'm talking day to day stuff.
Dibs-h":o9gcq4rx said:
.... Initial inclination says "shoot the silly cow!" - be easier all round. But is that right? Again, is that the slippery slope?


No it isn't. It's called the 'cycle of depravity' and the only way to break it is to remove one of the links. At least she should be sterilised because she is not fit to be a parent.
I'm inclined to agree.
I think it's a prime example of exactly what the world has come to and where it is going... but I too hold onto the hope it will come back.

It's going where that shows because I can't see ANY way things will get better before they get worse, it just isn't going to happen.

Chippyjoe said:
When will this poxy, useless goverment wake up to this and other cases and start to dish out some proper sentences (regardless of age) ffs. :evil:
The short answer?
They won't. Ever.
This government was useless from day one and has only got worse since then. Not much will when either of the other two main parties get in next time either, all three are as bad as eachother... excuse-making, grubbing, dishonest and all of them with opressive tendancies.
I'm still pinning my hopes on either Revolution (they took our guns though) or the UKLP becoming a mainstream party within the next few years (few months would work too).

The sooner we have a government who's focus is punishing crime, protecting our rights and otherwise leaving us alone, nothing worthwhile will change.
I'm sorry to say that I would also be the one going to prison if this had happened to my lads.

"eye for an eye" and "treat others as you would have them treat you" both spring to mind.

what has this country come to? I'm disgusted.

and as for the bulger lads, I sleep better at night knowing that they'll get whats owing to them one day, HOPEFULLY a really painful slow death.
