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No but I've seen that annoying Matt Alwright hanging out the window of more than a few angry tradesman's BMW's.
Tom K":3uuvskly said:
As a director of your failing company would callers be welcome at your door?

I can't imagine that I'd be too pleased; however, it would probably spur me into resolving the problem if that were in my power.

The thought of a disgruntled customer returning and talking with my wife about what I'd been up to would scare me to death!


BradNaylor":1oo9iim8 said:
Tom K":1oo9iim8 said:
As a director of your failing company would callers be welcome at your door?

I can't imagine that I'd be too pleased; however, it would probably spur me into resolving the problem if that were in my power.

The thought of a disgruntled customer returning and talking with my wife about what I'd been up to would scare me to death!



been hiring your tools out have you?
nothig much new to report on my situation as yet.

I spoke with my credit card company yesterday, having submitted a claim last week for reimbursement of funds . All they (credit card company) could tell me was that my claim had been assigned to one of their staff and that they had written to the merchant. I told them that it was pointless writing to the Kingswood Bristol address as the company was no longer there. They may however have different way of conducting their investigations but I suspect if they get no reply they may just settle. I don't suppose £700 in the scheme of things is worth their time and effort.

Nothing forthcoming from the police either at this time although i have contact details for the investigating officer.

I am considering having a drive down myself to the unit near the garden centre in Thornbury which he was believed to be last trading from. The difficulty is getting time off from work for the day and I am not sure if going down on a Saturday would be a wasted trip, not knowing if a Saturday is part of his normal trading hours.

I'll keep this thread going for those who have taken an interest in my plight and update as and when anything new comes to the fore or to its conclusion.
Bluekingfisher":2oqxh2d3 said:
but I suspect if they get no reply they may just settle. I don't suppose £700 in the scheme of things is worth their time and effort.

They insure themselves against such losses anyway, they'll just make a claim against their own insurers.
TheTiddles":16o47v5w said:
Been watching daytime TV, Tom?

Daytime? I saw him on Watchdog the other night at 8pm. It was either Wednesday or Thursday and it was quite interesting too - the main star was some idiot tree surgeon waving a chainsaw around with no PPE! One of his labourers almost lost a hand and he nearly lost his foot!! :shock: Oh, and, of course, he was ripping his customers off, not doing the job properly and all that...
Did anything ever come of this?

I was just wondering as I had been following this thread with interest because i'd purchased from Lyndhurst in the past.


Aaaaaaaaargh, just spent the last half hour typing out the conclusion to this thread Michael but then wouldn't connnect when I tried to post it and I lost all the text.

I'll type it up again later when a get a bit more time!
Hi michael,

There is some good and bad news connected to this thread.

The good news is the credit card company refunded in full my money after not being able to make contact with the merchant.

I reported the matter to the police for them to decide if there was a criminal element to the situation. The police duely investigated the matter and finally caught up with Mr Jackson. Apparently he went bust about two months ago. That being the case I must have missed him by minutes as it was about that time that I first started to get in touch with him.

As he informed the police he had gone bump there wasn't any way they could take it further, not that I would have wanted to if this was the case. Strange though that all my enquiries would indicate that his business had not gone under and as far as the relevant bodies were concerned was still trading.

He told the police that he was sorry for any convenience caused, he stated that he had my saw in mind until he had to recently vacate premises (I assume from the kingswood address to the Wyevale address. This also seems doubtful as the contact number he gave me when I purchased the saw was in Wyevale and I know that he has been there since at least January. The police established that he has been out of the Kingswood address for at least 18 months, long before I bought the saw) when he had to move due to rent increases. At this point he alleged that he forgot about my machine. I don't run a business but surely you wouldn't just forget that a customer was owed a machine?? Surely one would have an inventory of goods in and goods out. Perhaps it was the way his business was run was the cause of his going under??

The police, suggested that he should contact me with his apology/explanation. That was last week, to date he hasn't been in contact with me even though the police passed him my contact details for that purpose. If it was me in his position I would have been keen to contact the customer, even if only as a token gesture.

He was contacted at his unit in Wyevale as he still operates out of there, although under what guise I know not. The police wouldn't divulge

It may be that he re emerges in the not too distant future as it would appear that he has done so in the past. I for one though will not be giving him anymore business.

I was going to wait until the end of the week to conclude this thread in the vein hope that Mr Jackson would contact me and put his version of events across. It may happen but I am not holding my breath. The police suggested that if he hasn't been in touch with me by then they would persuade him to do so. I'm not sure what purpose that would serve other than give it closure.

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Not sure about posting pictures? then look at the sticky at the top of the chat section of the forum.


I think you should be happy you got your money back and leave it up to the credit card company to recover their money (which they won't).

Alls well that ends well.

So what saw are you buying?
Hi Wizer,

I'll know if the saw I am now after is still available in the next day or so.

A kind samaratan has offered to help in my plight. I don't want to sound secretive, it's just that I don't want to tempt fate until I know it is still available and in my hands this time.

I believe it to be every bit as good as the Deft, perhaps better.

If that falls through it will be back to the drawing board or ebay.

I'll let you know once it has all been finalised.

Thanks for your continued interest.

P.S. I'm having probs logging into the site and posting this morning

Bluekingfisher":c39x2ksk said:
Hi michael,

There is some good and bad news connected to this thread.

The good news is the credit card company refunded in full my money after not being able to make contact with the merchant.

I reported the matter to the police for them to decide if there was a criminal element to the situation. The police duely investigated the matter and finally caught up with Mr Jackson. Apparently he went bust about two months ago. That being the case I must have missed him by minutes as it was about that time that I first started to get in touch with him.

As he informed the police he had gone bump there wasn't any way they could take it further, not that I would have wanted to if this was the case. Strange though that all my enquiries would indicate that his business had not gone under and as far as the relevant bodies were concerned was still trading.

He told the police that he was sorry for any convenience caused, he stated that he had my saw in mind until he had to recently vacate premises (I assume from the kingswood address to the Wyevale address. This also seems doubtful as the contact number he gave me when I purchased the saw was in Wyevale and I know that he has been there since at least January. The police established that he has been out of the Kingswood address for at least 18 months, long before I bought the saw) when he had to move due to rent increases. At this point he alleged that he forgot about my machine. I don't run a business but surely you wouldn't just forget that a customer was owed a machine?? Surely one would have an inventory of goods in and goods out. Perhaps it was the way his business was run was the cause of his going under??

The police, suggested that he should contact me with his apology/explanation. That was last week, to date he hasn't been in contact with me even though the police passed him my contact details for that purpose. If it was me in his position I would have been keen to contact the customer, even if only as a token gesture.

He was contacted at his unit in Wyevale as he still operates out of there, although under what guise I know not. The police wouldn't divulge

It may be that he re emerges in the not too distant future as it would appear that he has done so in the past. I for one though will not be giving him anymore business.

I was going to wait until the end of the week to conclude this thread in the vein hope that Mr Jackson would contact me and put his version of events across. It may happen but I am not holding my breath. The police suggested that if he hasn't been in touch with me by then they would persuade him to do so. I'm not sure what purpose that would serve other than give it closure.

David, I am happy to see that you have at least got your money back.

Just incase this guy does come back, but this time under another name, it maybe a good idea if anyone lives near Wyevale that they let us know what the name of the new company is. Because at least that way anyone who may want to do business with him :shock: will have some idea of what could happen.
Although from what I have read, there is every chance that when things have cooled down, he will just start trading again under the same name, and supply his customers with their orders until everything goes belly up again.

I hope the other saw you are after works out for you.


Just read through this post with great interest, I also bought a T30 from Lyndhurst 2 years back now, like some of the other people on this forum I first spotted the saw on Ebay maybe the one the Bluekingfisher actually won! Anyway I contacted Lyndhurst and went out to see their "showroom" at Thornbury.I met Richard Jackson who seemed like a nice enough guy telling me how he had spotted a gap in the market for quality machinery and he wanted to make a good name for Lyndhurst etc. He went on after a while saying how he had a bust up with Axminster and Felder were going to tackle him about his machinery (not quite sure why).
Anyway I purchased the saw and have been very pleased with it, earlier this year I thought that I would like to purchase the 3 HP dust extractor, to be honest I hadn't read through the threads on this forum about Lyndhurst until today, I cant say I am surprised. I called him on the number I had, he answered the phone and I asked about buying an extractor to which he stated "I am not importing machinery I have sold it all off and definitely won't be selling anymore"and then promptly cut me off... nice guy. He struck me as your best friend when you are looking to buy, then once he has got your money couldn't care less! I am glad that I got my machine but can assure you that there is no reference to "Deft" on it at all now.
Some of the threads on here refer to the american Laguna machine is the same, they are correct it is the same machine, Lyndhurst actually sold a "Laguna" saw with the american fence on it a while back (under a different name on Ebay)
Really sorry to hear your story Bluekingfisher and I am glad that you got a refund, I hope that your new saw does go without incident, fingers crossed for you.
It would be interesting to see if Lyndhurst re-surface, I do pass by where he was in Thornbury on a regular basis, I might drop in and see if he is around, if he is still there I will post it on here for all to know.
Arch thanks for your post, posting again on the same thread means I get the email notification which is always helpful.

(I'm interested in the Laguna type bandsaw if it becomes available again)