Luckiest day ever

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Further to my recent windfall the very kind Dr from the consulate has ordered 10 Brazilian rosewood and Snakewood desks for the refit of the consulate :) He also asked for 24 carat gold desk lamps together with gold and diamond pen sets for each desk!

He has explained that he will sort out the CITES, transportation and import duties once the desks arrive. He mentoned that the staff would need a couple of weeks to make sure that they can operate the lamps and pens correctly and once they have passed the local health and safety checks then he will then send the outstanding balance!

I would be stupid to turn this once in a lifetime opportunity, now does anyone have 20 m3 of Brazilian handy?
I won a can of luncheon meat in a raffle at our local gymkhana last weekend. Was it spam? It certainly was and probably the first time I have eaten it in 25 years. :D