Looking for a new table saw. Guidance please.


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Established Member
30 Oct 2017
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I' in the market for a new table saw.
Ideally a cabinet style.
Only real restraint is that it needs to be able to run from a standard 3 pin (15 amp) plug.
Been looking around, but getting very confused.
Any help, thoughts and guidance would be appreciated.
Thanks :)
Could you say what you will be doing or making to us give some idea on size of saw you may need. I run a 315mm tablesaw from a 13 amp socket and have no issues so this should not cause you any issues.
If your'e worried about that, you can always opt for the three phase route.
Have you anything else that tests your supply, like another induction motor for example.
It's the starting surge which presents the possible issue.
I have a 3 phase 3hp/2.2kw 12" startrite 275 running from household 13a plug.
It's got a dual voltage motor which is suitable for use with my cheapie vfd/inverter.
The vfd takes care of the surge as you can easily program in ramp up time, should it be too fast for your electrics, add another second.
Look for 220/240v Delta or triangle symbol on motor plate to ensure this.

Other things to note on the 275 might be dual mitre slots, riving knife should be standard, left tilt Arbor, good deep table makes for less issues throat plate, some are very shallow.

If it were to be bettered, it would be dual trunnions.
Could you say what you will be doing or making to us give some idea on size of saw you may need. I run a 315mm tablesaw from a 13 amp socket and have no issues so this should not cause you any issues.
thanks for the reply
i'm looking to make furniture.
initially for the workshop, but really for my house.
i don't mind spending a bit more on something that i'd "grow into", as i'd rather get something that will last me for years.
i'd also like to make some end grain cutting boards (got a few ideas ;) )
also, i'd really like to try some of the patterned plywood designs like michael alm has done on the yubtubs ;)
ta :)
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I will soon be selling a Startrite saw. As ttrees describes, they’re very good saws! I’d like to keep it, but have just got a bigger machine, with a scribing blade, so the Startrite must go. PM me if you might be interested.