Looking for a decently styled Fitch sash fastener


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
Design aesthetics and Ironmongery Direct shouldn't really appear in the same sentence. I need six Fitch sash fasteners - ideally with a narrow keep - say 14-15mm deep for a narrow top rail. I got these from ID but TBH their styling is grotesque to my eyes towering 25mm when more elegant older designs have a much lower profile and so more aesthetically pleasing. It's very hard getting dimensions, I find, from websites and so if anyone can recommend a more elegant Fitch, I'd be grateful. TIA

Thanks for the suggestions, guys.

Owen...the Mighton ones are from the same source as mine

Phil..can't see anything in their catalogue so I'll contact them.

I think it's a case of every one now coming from the same Chinese factory and all the smaller quality manufacturers have gone bust.