Little b45t4rd5 on e-scooters...

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Established Member
13 Jun 2017
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Been out with my trusty Labrador earlier, and had to get out of the way of 2 teens on one e-scooter.
On the pavement - which is an offence - and they made it quite clear that we were going to have to get out of their way...
The Lab reacted as you'd expect, and had a bark at them as I ushered him on to the grass verge.
The teens also reacted as you'd expect, shouting something about keeping my "effing dog under control...."
It's times like these you hope for a cop to appear - and lo and behold, a squad car cruised into view.

....and simply drove past.
a swift kick at em would sort the problem but then they'd come back and Knife u....
personally I like the idea of a baseball bat around the ears....
where I lived before in the UK there was a really nasty lad in the locality until he met someone with a bigger knife.......that little sxxte lost his right hand.....
never heard of since.....
actually whats needed for these thugs is when convicted of such things they get a min of 10 years conscription in the services....
actually whats needed for these thugs is when convicted of such things they get a min of 10 years conscription in the services....
Great idea - take thugs like that and make them fit, teach them organisational skills, how to fight, how to use weapons. What could possibly go wrong... :LOL:
Been out with my trusty Labrador earlier, and had to get out of the way of 2 teens on one e-scooter.
On the pavement - which is an offence - and they made it quite clear that we were going to have to get out of their way...
Lucky you were able to. They might have gone crashing to the ground otherwise.
A golfing umbrella is a good deterrent for all two wheeled idiots I have found. Just a pity these days you can’t buy the good old ones with the nice metal pointy end. But raise the pointy end at them, or their wheels if it’s a nice expensive bike and it’s amazing what a wide berth they give you.
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Happened twice same to mate. Third time he stood ground, with a rigid elbow stance, made a right mess of e-scooter riders teeth as hit, and broken wrist during "fall", sadly the e-scooter was undamaged in the incident.
The damage occured afterwards, as it was battered into an unsuspecting lamp post nearby several dozen times.
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Been out with my trusty Labrador earlier, and had to get out of the way of 2 teens on one e-scooter.
On the pavement - which is an offence - and they made it quite clear that we were going to have to get out of their way...
The Lab reacted as you'd expect, and had a bark at them as I ushered him on to the grass verge.
The teens also reacted as you'd expect, shouting something about keeping my "effing dog under control...."
It's times like these you hope for a cop to appear - and lo and behold, a squad car cruised into view.

....and simply drove past.
Not just kids. I visited my dad over the weekend and was amazed to see a man, i would guess in his 40s, riding along a quite busy road with a little girl of maybe 6 standing on the platform in front of hime clinging onto the front upright. He was going at quite a clip, no helmets or anything. You have to wonder whether he is just plain stupid or lacks the imagination to consider what would happen to them in the event of a collision.
I have some sympathy for the demoralised cops what are they supposed to do? If the little g1ts fail to stop as we know they will the cops are not allowed to chase if they do and the poor darlings get hurt its the cops that get hauled before a discipline board and or court. They are completely unidentifiable due to no number plates and even if caught they only get a reprimand after the cops spend ages doing paperwork and criticised for not being out and about solving 'proper' crimes. It's no wonder cops are leaving the job.

All in all the UK has sleep walked into a PC & H&S obsessed world where everyone has rights nobody has responsibilities and its always somebody else's fault. The only winners are the g1ts who have nothing to lose so flaut every rule lash out with violence and do not care about the results.
All in all the UK has sleep walked into a PC & H&S obsessed world
So, I'll ask you, civilly, to please define "PC & H&S obsessed".

Evidence, and verifiable facts, are of course utterly essential. In what way(s) are we "PC obsessed"? (A proper definition of "PC" would be useful here).

And what Health and Safety "obsessions" do we have which you feel are bad? Would you please give us some examples of things you think should be less healthy or more dangerous?

where everyone has rights nobody has responsibilities and its always somebody else's fault.
Another civil request - would you please say whether you think people should not have certain rights which they do? A reference to legislation which confers those rights and which you think could usefully be repealed would be helpful.

And also with responsibilities - could you please show where, and how, people have had responsibility for their actions taken away from them and it made "somebody else's fault".

Not just kids. I visited my dad over the weekend and was amazed to see a man, i would guess in his 40s, riding along a quite busy road with a little girl of maybe 6 standing on the platform in front of hime clinging onto the front upright. He was going at quite a clip, no helmets or anything. You have to wonder whether he is just plain stupid or lacks the imagination to consider what would happen to them in the event of a collision.

My money's on "plain stupid".
Unfortunately, he's already sired a child, who may well grow up and stick two fingers up at common sense and the law of the land.
I have some sympathy for the demoralised cops what are they supposed to do? If the little g1ts fail to stop as we know they will the cops are not allowed to chase if they do and the poor darlings get hurt its the cops that get hauled before a discipline board and or court. They are completely unidentifiable due to no number plates and even if caught they only get a reprimand after the cops spend ages doing paperwork and criticised for not being out and about solving 'proper' crimes. It's no wonder cops are leaving the job.

All in all the UK has sleep walked into a PC & H&S obsessed world where everyone has rights nobody has responsibilities and its always somebody else's fault. The only winners are the g1ts who have nothing to lose so flaut every rule lash out with violence and do not care about the results.
some forces now act forcefully to apprehend moped riders by knocking them off the bike with the car, perhaps it could be extended to these offenders as well..
A golfing umbrella is a good deterrent for all two wheeled idiots I have found. Just a pity these days you can’t buy the good old ones with the nice metal pointy end.
I was crossing the road once, in London, Pelican crossing, and carrying one of those, horizontally, pointy bit forwards. When the toe-rag who decided to ignore the red light passed in front of me I couldn't get it out of the way in time, and it scraped along the side of his car. He slammed on the brakes and jumped out, expressing his extreme displeasure about what I'd done. Plenty of people about so I wasn't very worried. I did apologise for not being able to dodge out of the way, and offered to wait if he wanted to call the police to report him damaging his car on my umbrella when he drove through a red light on a pedestrian crossing, but he didn't want to do that, so I walked away and left him to it.
You would have to have been in a coma for the last couple of decades not to know what PC is, Pc is political correctness or the world is going mad. It is a range of bullshieete where freedom of speech and language sterilisation is being applied. It is also an underlying reason why we have scum on scooters and mopeds causing trouble, removing discipline from schools and letting them become feral is now becoming more obvious in society.
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