Established Member
I'll have a go tomorrow , my computerology skills are minimal though !
Hey thanks Andy if you can't no worries appreciate your advice
I'll have a go tomorrow , my computerology skills are minimal though !
Dont use beech dowels externally as they will fail if they get wet through the wood movement.
but it's only a garage door it doesn't need to be anything special
Thanks never knew that, think I'm going to drive big coach bolts through the sides
My parents used sadolin a lot internally on woodwork I like the way it looks, didn't know it was for external too I'll give that a go TyThe only advice I can give is that any T&G infill needs gaps and space to swell. Personally I would not gum up the slots with paint but use sadolin or similar, applied before assembly and screwed in place with s/s screws so they can be removed, if necessary for treatment.