LED light door questions


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Established Member
3 Aug 2014
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I need to fit some LED cabinet lighting. The options are many and I’ve never done this before. I want a combination of strip lighting down the inside of a cupboard, and spot lights under the shelves (or similar).

I think I’ve landed on using the Hafele Loox5 system of drivers and switches, but I had a few questions.

1. Am I locked into using Hafeles LED strip lights or can I buy different brands? The Hafele ones seem very expensive
2. I saw a clip on instagram where a rubber LED strip was pushed into a thin rebate that was routed out. There was no additional trunking, just the rubber led pressed into the groove . I can’t find this online, has anyone seen or used this?
3. Any recommendations for Hafele alternatives? I have 5 large cupboards to do so cost is a factor
4. Any other tips??

If looking at using any system then I would use all the parts from that system because if you start mixing and matching you might run into issues with connectors or drivers so all from one system they should work. There are bound to be cheaper alternatives but all to often buying cheap only gets you cheap and for me doing a job once right is better than having to fix issues later because of cheap parts or worse is they are no longer available.
I don't use LED lights much and am no expert on the subject but when I need them I use the Loox system from Hafele, it seems a decent quality and simple system.

I generally end up phoning their technical helpline, describe what I'm doing and want to achieve and they advise what I need.

Last time I called them the very polite and patient lady on the other end of the phone realised my ignorance and took the time to slowly explain the difference between a "connect lead" and an "interconnect lead" as I was getting them mixed up and apparently these details matter........