Learning woodwork from youtube


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Wow , that really bad, had to make a comment and thumbs down ............ basic router knowledge - all over youtube explaining the correct way
i think a lot of people should comment and thumbs down - in fact youtube should remove - dont know how to report
Seems like an all-too-common occurrence with a number of YT woodworking influencers and wannabe influencers - pretend to know what they're doing or talking about but really have no idea.
It's not information and knowledge that's lacking using the Internet. It's solid practical execution relentless and a bit boring. Repetition, over and over. The stuff that no one would ever click on or aspire to. Make a thousand mortice and tenons every variation then start again. Then what happens is you make every mistake possible then come back the next day and start again. Finally your totally confident you can make anything with a mortice and tenon(which is a whole lot of stuff in fact almost everything worth making)
Watching YouTube whilst an interesting distraction(arguably) is a lot different than the real hard yakka of making things.
Making these and then 20 more (sneak preview) wouldn't make good YouTube content:


But this is what wood work is about.

I'm more miffed that I was catching up with Scott Brown's channel, and this was in the sidebar, how the @@@@ does it get to be there.
US Youtubers only seem to make informercials, or videos telling other Youtubers that they're doing it wrong.

It's quite a depressing scene.
US Youtubers only seem to make informercials, or videos telling other Youtubers that they're doing it wrong.

It's quite a depressing scene.
It’s the algorithm YouTube and other social media uses that favours this material as it generates lots of angry comments / people correcting them.

The algorithm doesn’t care if a comment is positive or negative it counts as engagement and bumps it up the listings.

I miss the early days of YouTube where you could watch a 3 minute video from Gaz the mechanic and rebuild your car’s steering rack, and now it’s all just click bait.
It’s the algorithm YouTube and other social media uses that favours this material as it generates lots of angry comments / people correcting them.

The algorithm doesn’t care if a comment is positive or negative it counts as engagement and bumps it up the listings.

I miss the early days of YouTube where you could watch a 3 minute video from Gaz the mechanic and rebuild your car’s steering rack, and now it’s all just click bait.
Is that why they go on and on about everything except what you want to know? Do they have to do a minimum time? Or are they just boring.
Is that why they go on and on about everything except what you want to know? Do they have to do a minimum time? Or are they just boring.
Longer videos means YouTube can cram more adverts in, so they’re favoured by the algorithm also.
I avoid you tube as much a possible as when ever I watch it I’m reminded of the quote by Erasmus
“The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have. All these fools, however, find other fools who applaud them."
If it gets a comment, good or bad, it's promoted all the more. Most YouTube channels will purposefuly add contentious comments just to drive comments and/or arguments. Also, you'll notice deliberately mispronounced words or incorrect maths as this will drive multiple corrections. I'm noticing it more and more of late. And now I've noticed it, I see it everywhere. It's a shame, as a platform it has (or had) a lot of benefits. I've learnt a lot from some channels. But now even the ones I used to enjoy are starting to use the same games for driving comments.
I avoid you tube as much a possible as when ever I watch it I’m reminded of the quote by Erasmus
“The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have. All these fools, however, find other fools who applaud them."
Erasmus's quote is given modern expression in the Dunning-Kruger function
And he`s running the cut in the wrong direction, what a wally !!
Yes, he is backrouting , moving the router too slowly and only using half the baseplate. It's going to tip over at some stage. Instinctively this is a job for the router table. Lastly sharpening a 20 year old bit is probably a false economy.
The vids comments have been removed.

I think for the sake of anyone uninformed watching the vid they should be replaced, as well as a note about unplugging a powertool when working on it/blade change etc.

Maybe go off to the facebook link and comment there too.
i had hit the report button on the video as its really UNSAFE , and potentially very dangerous - but seems to be ignored
although my comment is still listed

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