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Absolutely agree about the line of fire and watching the fence.I do a fair amount of blind cutting on this saw, rebating and tennoning so needed a different guard setup as the temptation to just do that "one cut" without the knife is scary....i would post pics of the before and after a cut but at the moment the tube just joins the 4" extraction on the saw and there isn't much suck (all be it more than the red plastic one)so next is to improve the undertable guard as it is not very well fitting.I have been meaning to do these mods for ages and am waiting to hear back from a client so its been great having some time to fit up the new workshop and sort the machines out.
Digit - even as an annecdote it comes close to bringing tears to the eyes... I did physically wince though.
Yeah! Actions speak louder than words! Mind, he was speachless! :lol:
