hi chaps, currently refitting my workshop with a few bits, though not essential a Oscillating spindle sander would make my working day a bit easier & certainly make sanding the insides of wooden tubes we make... a lot quicker.
been looking round at options, there does not seem to be many variations available, the only one that keeps cropping up on google searches is the Jet JOVS 10 anyone know of a similar sized alternative without upping the price?
the jet looks OK, its actually slightly too small on its bobbin height, but I'm sure i could get a work around by fabricating something.
been looking round at options, there does not seem to be many variations available, the only one that keeps cropping up on google searches is the Jet JOVS 10 anyone know of a similar sized alternative without upping the price?
the jet looks OK, its actually slightly too small on its bobbin height, but I'm sure i could get a work around by fabricating something.