Kitchen/Dining Table (Competition Entry)

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Established Member
31 Jul 2005
Reaction score
North Somerset
That deadline isn't too far away really, is it! :shock: :? As this is for my entry, I guess that means any Judges reading this are not allowed to comment... :)

My entry is an extending dining table for our kitchen, which must be able to seat four initially and then expand to suit at least six (possibly eight on the odd occasion).

I began drawing this months ago and haven't touched it since. I'm happy with all the workings underneath and the design and layout of the central 'butterfly' leaf. I would appreciate some thoughts on getting the frame dimensions correct, which consequently have an effect on the size (and shape) of the top.

I'm well aware that the main problem with extending dining tables is that extra guests (when more than four are seated) end up with a leg in their way. So, my first thought was to expand the long sides of the frame to take two chairs (working on the assumption that the average chair is 450-460mm wide). So, I've drawn 930mm (2 x 460mm plus 10mm) between. I'm reluctant to go much wider as our kitchen isn't that large. I've also drawn 470mm at each end (10mm clearance gap).


Please excuse the 'filler piece' I've drawn in the centre. :oops: My original drawing has changed slightly but, I don't want to alter the components just yet.

This next image shows the table in its full, extended position. This won't be used very often; we're thinking Christmas time, mainly, when family visit. This may be too long for our kitchen [note to self - must check that!] but, I'll consider that irrelevant for the time being. As the end leaves measure 700mm in length, I guess I could reduce the width of the centre section; perhaps 400mm instead of 500mm?


I have toyed with the idea of altering the curves but, to be perfectly honest, I think the other ones look hideous! :? Mum definitely wants something with curved ends so, I'd rather stick with what I've drawn previously.


The legs, currently, are tapered. However, I may curve the inside faces slightly instead, something like this:


For some reason, I can't two of the sides to 'fill in' - any ideas, here? DaveR???

My main concern is with getting the frame right. Let's just say this is a four-seater table extending to seat six, for the sake of things. Those extra two chairs will probably be stored in the shed so, that's not really an issue.

In case I haven't made myself clear already... :roll:, If possible, I'd like to make this a comfortable seater for six without over-enlarging the design.

Thanks for looking.

All comments are welcome,

Olly. :)
Ollie, regarding your leg, try this.


1. Draw the profile on the face of the leg.
2. Select the two edges that will get cut away.
3. Get the Follow Me tool and click on the face of the profile.
Thanks, Dave, that worked brilliantly. First time I've used the Follow Me tool as well! :wink:

Now that I've seen it in 3D, I'm not so sure about the curve... :roll: I could make it slightly more shallow but, if I do that then, I may as well stick with a straight taper! :D
Yes, that is something else I've considered... A bit like adding 'ears' to cabriole legs... Sort of. That would be the most economical way to shape them anyway, instead of cutting from one wider board. I'll also need to check that it won't interfere with anyone's seating or comfort. :-k

Back to the drawing board -, screen! :wink:
I'm happy with the design as it is, then. :roll: :) One thing that does concern me a little is that the outer edge of each leg may be a little too close to the curve of the top... It's not perfectly clear in the SketchUp images I've uploaded... Nearer the time, I may cut a piece of MDF to see how it looks. The frame has been designed to accommodate six people comfortably (I hope!). That can't change so, I'd be happier changing the shape of the top anyway. :)

I'll be looking to buy the timber for this within a couple of weeks. One last minute concern I have is with regards to the width of the boards joined to create the top.

My first thought was to go with an odd number of 100mm wide boards, which would certainly be better-suited to the atmosphere and humidity of a small kitchen.


But, for the sake of aesthetics, would it be better to go for wider boards? This would mean I an even number in the centre... :? Then again, this is beech, not oak or ash; it's not always that pretty to look at! :roll:


I guess it's partly down to the boards that are available at the time of purchase. Unless someone can persuade me otherwise, I'm currently in favour of option one, with 100mm wide boards. :)