Just saying hi


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9 Feb 2025
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Hi all just a little Hi .. always loved carpentry/DIY but never really had a space to enjoy it but finally have a workshop so now wanting to learn
Hi all just a little Hi .. always loved carpentry/DIY but never really had a space to enjoy it but finally have a workshop so now wanting to learn
Hello Jobe,

Learn .... but learn what?

Woodworking, I've gradually realised, is a vast subject. I'm trying the learn it all but I'm unlikely to live another 300 years. :)

Personally I began with DIY fixing house parts, from new skirting boards and doors to fixing a whole floor that had got wet and had rotted timbers. Such carpentry was educational but not very inspiring. Then I discovered cabinet-making and how to spend loadsa money on exciting tools of every sort and shine, as well as how to make the nice tables, chairs and cupboards.

These days its green woodworking; and soon to be relief carving. Then .....

But enough about moi! What are you thinking of making? Are your intents well-formed or as yet only glimpsed briefly in the swirling mists of possibility?