Just SAW this on youtube.....


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This is definitely not elfin safety compliant.... in fact, he could have just bought a chainsaw.....

Not only that but for £4 he could get the even more dangerous flesh eating chainsaw wheel or for £25 he can get the work done for him
that doesn’t cover the fact that anyone can easily find a chainsaw adapter for the angle grinder and that it’s neither brilliant nor safe and many people know about it.
Thats natural selection waiting to happen. No brake, If he gets kick back god knows how far that thing would be thrown. Theres always some idiot that thinks Hey I can make one of those. A cheap electric chainsaw costs about as much as the grinder. Complete cretin
Chainsaws are dangerous enough without trying to make a homemade bodge with no brake. To me it shows that youtube and such are really just promoting the daft and dangerous because these idiots are chasing views. I wonder if they have a colleague who is videoing them during the act of stupidity so if it goes wrong and a limb is detached they can get another video to post!
and top of my wife's list of dangerous tools ;)

Hope human beings are at the top of your wife's list. It would be fascinating to know for all the power tool related injuries your wife has treated, how many of them were caused / exacerbated by unsafe working practices. I guess people don't volunteer this information though :)
I wonder if there's already someone who's done a video of welding some chains and/or steel cable onto the angle grinder boss, then mounting it on a broom handle and using it as a strimmer.
Yup, keeps the hospitals in business.

Perhaps thats a conspiracy Artie. The makers of these 'death star' and other add on chainsaw attachments are in cahoots with big pharma.
You just broke a forum rule.
Beware. :eek: :eek: :eek:
"Few people know about this...". No idea why....

And from the comments:

3 months ago
As someone who nearly sawed his toes clean off with an angle grinder with a rip saw blade I highly recommend not replicating any of these self amputation modifications to 115mm angle grinders.
Hope human beings are at the top of your wife's list. It would be fascinating to know for all the power tool related injuries your wife has treated, how many of them were caused / exacerbated by unsafe working practices. I guess people don't volunteer this information though :)
They are indeed - whenever she mentions (suitably anonymised) a patient's activities it is remarkable how often it is bad human decision making - such as un-jamming machines without turning them off and then once they are unjammed, surprise surprise, they start running again but now with the hand in there!

You would be surprised by exactly how honest most of them are - and a book could be filled with examples of attempted darwinism!
I wonder if there's already someone who's done a video of welding some chains and/or steel cable onto the angle grinder boss, then mounting it on a broom handle and using it as a strimmer.
Oh man, thats a good one!!! I could do that, save a fiver and get my youtube career under way! Thanks sporky!!!