Established Member
Here is my final submission in the design section.
It is a tall money box with alternating ramps for the coins to slide/roll down on their way to the bottom. It has a series of windows so that the money minded user can watch their coin's progress through the ramps. In order to aid the viewing experience, there are a series of LEDs down the back of the money box which illuminate the contents. It will be just like every treasure chest in the movies, the money will glow :idea:
The design brief I decided on was as follows.
-It has to be child safe
-It has to be secure against opportunist sticky fingeres
-It has to be fun for the user.
-It has to be fun for me to make.
-It has to be within my means to make
-It has to be a challenge and a learning experience
-It has to be made, as much as possible, using tools and materials I already have or can get free/cheaply
I hope to get some work on it done before our new arrival in August. I don't think I'll be getting much time in the shop after that.
On to the pictures. I've not included every detail in my sketchup drawings, I'm still getting used to it's quirks.
Top view.
This shows the slot where the money goes. The corners of the top and base will be rounded, and edges rounded over.
Front view.
The front consists of half circle windows which will be glazed, if all goes well, with some transparant CDs (because I have them). These will be set into rebates so that they are flush with the inside of the box so that coins don't get stuck. I'm not sure how I'm going to cut these yet, either jigsaw, or router and template.
Side view.
This actually shows the inside of the box, as the side is just solid wood I thought that would be a bit boring You can see the zig zag ramps. The exact angle of the ramps will be scientifically calculated taking into consideration the weight, surface area, and metalic composition of UK coins to ensure a consistent slide. (I'll try it with whatever change I have in my pocket at the time)
Perspective view.
Here you can see the front and (in)side together. I'm planning on making the box about a meter tall. The main section of the box will be approx 15cm square with the base and top being about 20cm square. The box will be made from some PAR pine that has been in my garage for a while.
The dados.
There will be a series of stopped dados in the sides for the ramps to go in. These will probably be made on the router table with an angled fence sled thing.
The ramps.
The ramps wil slot between the two sides, and be flush with the front or back.
The base.
The base and top will be held on with sliding dovetails on the two sides. I chose this joint because I've never made one before, and I couldn't think of any other way of holding the top and bottom on securely with no visible fasteners. There will eventually be a lot of weight and I'm not sure if biscuits would hold that well. Commens on this are of course welcome.
These will not be glued, I thought I could use pocket holes in the back of the money box going into the base and top to keep them in place. These will then provide the access to the box when it is eventually full. I'm not sure what to do about the dovetail slots that will be visible from the back. I guess my choices are either leave them, or fill them (ensuring they don't stop the box from opening).
This shows the front view of the box, base will slide onto the two sides from the front so there will be no sign from the front view. I may wrap a small trim on the base to cover any small gap between the base and the front piece to stop any escaping 5p pieces.
The front and back are joined to the sides with biscuits. I've never used biscuits before, I have a biscuit set for the router table which I'd like to try.
In this picture you can also see one of the blue LED lights that will run down the back of the box. My current plan for mounting these is to mount them on a strip of wood about 5mm thick and 1/2inch wide. I will then route a groove (1/2 inch wide) and about 9mm deep down the center of the back and inset this piece with all the cables behind. This should result in all the LEDs fitted flush to the inside of hte back and no visible cables.
I will then bring the connection out to a socket on the back where a transformer can be plugged in.
Now that this is submitted, I welcome any comments/questions, especially those that say "that will never work" as I've probably not considered something very obvious and it will all fall apart as soon as someone puts a coin in.
Better to hear them now than to waste months of time in the shop.
Thanks for taking the time to look through this. I hope my idea is clear in amongst the waffle.
It is a tall money box with alternating ramps for the coins to slide/roll down on their way to the bottom. It has a series of windows so that the money minded user can watch their coin's progress through the ramps. In order to aid the viewing experience, there are a series of LEDs down the back of the money box which illuminate the contents. It will be just like every treasure chest in the movies, the money will glow :idea:
The design brief I decided on was as follows.
-It has to be child safe
-It has to be secure against opportunist sticky fingeres
-It has to be fun for the user.
-It has to be fun for me to make.
-It has to be within my means to make
-It has to be a challenge and a learning experience
-It has to be made, as much as possible, using tools and materials I already have or can get free/cheaply
I hope to get some work on it done before our new arrival in August. I don't think I'll be getting much time in the shop after that.
On to the pictures. I've not included every detail in my sketchup drawings, I'm still getting used to it's quirks.
Top view.
This shows the slot where the money goes. The corners of the top and base will be rounded, and edges rounded over.
Front view.
The front consists of half circle windows which will be glazed, if all goes well, with some transparant CDs (because I have them). These will be set into rebates so that they are flush with the inside of the box so that coins don't get stuck. I'm not sure how I'm going to cut these yet, either jigsaw, or router and template.
Side view.
This actually shows the inside of the box, as the side is just solid wood I thought that would be a bit boring You can see the zig zag ramps. The exact angle of the ramps will be scientifically calculated taking into consideration the weight, surface area, and metalic composition of UK coins to ensure a consistent slide. (I'll try it with whatever change I have in my pocket at the time)
Perspective view.
Here you can see the front and (in)side together. I'm planning on making the box about a meter tall. The main section of the box will be approx 15cm square with the base and top being about 20cm square. The box will be made from some PAR pine that has been in my garage for a while.
The dados.
There will be a series of stopped dados in the sides for the ramps to go in. These will probably be made on the router table with an angled fence sled thing.
The ramps.
The ramps wil slot between the two sides, and be flush with the front or back.
The base.
The base and top will be held on with sliding dovetails on the two sides. I chose this joint because I've never made one before, and I couldn't think of any other way of holding the top and bottom on securely with no visible fasteners. There will eventually be a lot of weight and I'm not sure if biscuits would hold that well. Commens on this are of course welcome.
These will not be glued, I thought I could use pocket holes in the back of the money box going into the base and top to keep them in place. These will then provide the access to the box when it is eventually full. I'm not sure what to do about the dovetail slots that will be visible from the back. I guess my choices are either leave them, or fill them (ensuring they don't stop the box from opening).
This shows the front view of the box, base will slide onto the two sides from the front so there will be no sign from the front view. I may wrap a small trim on the base to cover any small gap between the base and the front piece to stop any escaping 5p pieces.
The front and back are joined to the sides with biscuits. I've never used biscuits before, I have a biscuit set for the router table which I'd like to try.
In this picture you can also see one of the blue LED lights that will run down the back of the box. My current plan for mounting these is to mount them on a strip of wood about 5mm thick and 1/2inch wide. I will then route a groove (1/2 inch wide) and about 9mm deep down the center of the back and inset this piece with all the cables behind. This should result in all the LEDs fitted flush to the inside of hte back and no visible cables.
I will then bring the connection out to a socket on the back where a transformer can be plugged in.
Now that this is submitted, I welcome any comments/questions, especially those that say "that will never work" as I've probably not considered something very obvious and it will all fall apart as soon as someone puts a coin in.
Better to hear them now than to waste months of time in the shop.
Thanks for taking the time to look through this. I hope my idea is clear in amongst the waffle.