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Established Member
11 Nov 2007
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OPJ commented about a box assembly jig I used and that started a train of thought.
I use a lot of jigs, we all know Niki does :lol:, I use them for two reasons.
One, with only one eye you lose your ability to judge distances, especially close up, so I use them to keep my fingers clear of those nasty whirly sharp things.
Two, to be honest, to help cover for deficiencies in hand skills, so okay, I should practise more, but just how many sub standard mitre joints can one job stand?
Any opinions?

A jig is a tool, a tool like any other. If anyone wants to complain about their use, go split some flint open and start making a gate-leg regency table with it, I dare you!

Nothing wrong with using jigs Roy, i will be making a few
myself when i can, and it will be to help me with my
physical disabilities just as much as an aid to improving
my woodworking. Just the same reasons as you really. :)
I have a collection of them stored on my computer so i
can compare them when i'm ready to start making them,
some of them do the same job as another but are easier
to make, and that's another thing, do i need to make a jig,
to make a jig. :? :lol:
do i need to make a jig, to make a jig.
On occasion, yes! :lol:
I get a lot of satisfaction as well when a jig or fixture that I've made produces the desired result over and over again.
Is that just me?

Nothing wrong with using jigs - they allow you to work to a higher standard, regardless of if your using a power or hand tool.
Remember - jigs don't have to be super special contraptions that take two days to make. :wink:
Philly :D
Who has just finished routing using a quick mdf jig....
I must admit Phil that I tend to make jigs to as high a standard as I can as I dislike the idea of picking something up that looks rough.
Just as an LN plane looks nice, so I like my jigs to look finished.
Personal thing as they work just as well anyway of course.

My problem with jigs is that I have hundreds of them, and I can never find the one I need. So, I make another one............which will be just the same as half a dozen I made previously and couldn't find.

As you might imagine, mine aren't the prettiest things in the world.......always made from scrap, but always accurate.

I've just put up another shelf so that I can find them! :lol:

Hi Roy

Well, as you said, I love using jigs because....like you - my hand skills are very close to zero.

I started the woodworking hobby with power tools and for me, a tool that is not connected to a cord or battery - is not a tool......but, I have a (very) few hand tools.

If you noticed, I never make a "Custom jig" but rather, a "General jigs" so, they are not so many.
In some cases, I use existing jig as a "Multi-purpose jig" just by adding a few knobs, T-nuts and alike to change it from one task to another

Usually, in almost any of my projects, I use almost all the jigs again and again.

And yes, I love to make them ........like you didn't know :)

Yep! There is something uniquely satisfying about using a tool you've made yourself.
