Jeweller's blades

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axi are dealers for pegas who do up to 4 O also check out veneer hub as well

very thin fretsaw blades - go donwn in size to half a human hair in thickness
workshop heaven, from memory.

is it a one off job or more? I have a few I think so if you only wanted a couple I can prob help. I dont recall where I got them though- I suspect wh or wherever I bought my saw.
very thin fretsaw blades - go donwn in size to half a human hair in thickness

Thanks Droog - I actually have some for my piercing saw, was in the knife-blade mindset - thinking scalpels or similar.
There's a sticky, permanently fixed in place (which is why it's marked with the sticky symbol) at the 2nd post down from the very top of this "Scrolling - Scroll Saws" section.

It's called "Sourcing Scroll Saw Blades".

I won't say ALL the info is there, but there's LOADS of it, including metal-cutting blades (AKA jeweller's blades).

Most of the lists there are for trhe Pegas brand blades (IMO a good brand, but by no means the only one!)

AND if you look at those 3 lists you'll see full blade specs for just about ALL scroll saw blades, including scroll saw metal cutting blades, AND also blades for "Jeweller's" saws, Coping saw blades, and "Junior" hack saw blades.

Forgive me if I sound a bit testy tonight, but this question - and those VERY similar - come up regularly - I guess about once a month on average - and for that reason the Mods agreed that this sticky was put there - and that was about 2 to 3 months ago now.

All of us on this Forum were (and many still still are - me included) beginners in one way or another, and virtually all members here will help anyone out.

BUT it does get a bit wearing sometimes to be answering pretty much the same question over and over again. Hence the idea of sticky/ies.

Rant over, sorry in advance if I've upset anyone.
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In fairness though, it depends on how you access the forum. The view that I use only shows new posts and I would have no idea of what stickies are in each particular sub-forum. Nor would a search of jewellers blades probably have bought it up, and if you only know something by one name the search is difficult. Well it is difficult at the best of times but still. I rely on memory, and failing that knowing the type of thing that might have been asked before. A new user would have neither option.

This question comes up from time to time, but makes it easier to link to the sticky rather than find your old post. Having a sticky is unlikely to reduce the same question much, just makes answering it a bit quicker.
OK marcros, I didn't realise not everyone can see stickies, and as said, I WAS having a bit of a sense of humour failure earlier on - so my apologies to all.

As to that sticky, I'll contact a Mod and ask if we can't expand the title of that particular sticky to include stuff like "Jewellers", "Junior" hack saw, and "Coping" saw blades, etc, etc, (or something). But what to do about someone not seeing stickies I just dunno.

Personally I access the Forum by starting with the Home Page (which shows all sections of course) and then just select "New Posts" (Top LH) if that's what I want (which I usually do).

But I guess that if someone just starts off with accessing "New Posts" directly, then sorry, I dunno.

Anyway, my apologies to all for my "snappish" response earlier. I'll talk to the Mods to see what, if anything, can be done - it wasn't a "problem" I was aware of until you pointed it out.


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