IT help sought - SORTED Thanks to ChrisD

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Established Member
26 Jul 2005
Reaction score
Romsey, Hampshire
I purchased a no-name 4 port unpowered USB 2.0 hub from the bay recently.
All computers referred to are running Win XP sp3 quite satisfactorily (apart from this problem!) and I intend to stick with XP

I plugged it into my laptop and it failed to find the driver needed and failed to install. Contacted the seller who maintains that no additional drivers are needed.

So I plugged into my desktop machine - installed and works fine there trouble is I want it for the lappy!
I looked to see what driver it was using and saw that on the desktop m/c it had used

I then checked on the laptop and that file - same date & version number is on the laptop drive and in the same location.

Re-inserted the hub into the laptop and tried to manually steer it to use the same file and it gets as far as the System32 directory but then it only offers \dsdn or \etc as choices because it will only look for files with a .inf extension. There is not an option to show files with all extensions

I am now confused and well beyond my level of understanding!!

Can anyone help please?


Just sometimes I have got around similar problems by connecting the USB device before switching the computer, desktop or laptop, on.
Hi Bob,

On your desktop computer, look in the folder "C:\WINDOWS\inf". Copy all [usb*.inf] and [usb*.pnf] files to a CD/floppy/memory-stick along with the [c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys] binary file. Make sure that all of these files are in the same directory on your removeable media.

Put the removeable media into your laptop and plug in your external USB port - when the "Install New Hardware Wizard" pops up then select to install the driver manually and point the installer at the directory on your removeable media and the install 'should' be successful but alas I can't offer an absolute guarantee.

You may also be able to do a web/internet install by instructing the "Install New Hardware Wizard" to call home to Microsoft and use the magic number in your USB hub (device ID) to download and install a compatible .inf/.sys package. Failing that then if you are brave enough to take the device apart and post the chipset (IC) make and model then I can probably find a compatible driver package.

The seller is correct USB hubs don't need additional drivers.

I forget which way around works for xp but one of the 3 below paths will get you to the device manager
Right click My Computer > Propertises > search the tabs for device manager I think its in the system tab >
Control Panel > Device Manager
Control Panel > System > Devices
OR type device manager into run and hit enter.

Once there look for the entry with a yellow ! sign. Right click and uninstall. Once done try plugging the USB hub back in. If no luck right click on the entry with a yellow ! > Update driver and then follow through to where you know the file is. If there is no option for display all file types then in the box where you would normally type a file name type *.* and hit enter. This should then show all file types. In reality there probably is a inf file somewhere (maybe in the drivers folder) that then installs the device. You could also try copying the working file from the PC to the laptop. As its the same data stats don't mean its an identical file (although it most likely is).

Another option (not sure if XP has this feature) but if there is an option to select the best driver from a list. You can Browse through all the drivers in the PC's DB and select one to use. Look for a Microsoft generic usb hub driver. Again you would access this from the update drive screen.
chris_d":231rzsbs said:
Hi Bob,

On your desktop computer, look in the folder "C:\WINDOWS\inf". Copy all [usb*.inf] and [usb*.pnf] files to a CD/floppy/memory-stick along with the [c:\windows\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys] binary file. Make sure that all of these files are in the same directory on your removeable media.

Put the removeable media into your laptop and plug in your external USB port - when the "Install New Hardware Wizard" pops up then select to install the driver manually and point the installer at the directory on your removeable media and the install 'should' be successful but alas I can't offer an absolute guarantee.


Award yourself a Gold Star and undying thanks on top Chris!

Yes that worked superbly

Much obliged - I can put my sledgehammer away now!

I'm glad to read that you got the hub working Bob!

Sadly, my advice is a 'fringe benefit' of a mis-spent youth and a soul sapping career... :(

Kind regards,
chris_d":3m2liza2 said:
I'm glad to read that you got the hub working Bob!

Sadly, my advice is a 'fringe benefit' of a mis-spent youth and a soul sapping career... :(

Kind regards,

However, at least you have sawdustmaking as relief from the day job and the satisfaction of helping others.

I had a rewarding career in electronics research but in time even solving thorny problems again and again became a bit same as same as so I got out on an early escape plan.

The downside is that I don't get day to day access to guys who can solve my IT problems but thanks to this forum I have had good assistance. Combine that with my 'luddite' approach of staying a couple of windows versions behind the leading edge and I don't have too many probs that I can't sort out.
Now I can teach myself woodwork at my leisure and fix forum users motor problems in return.
