I forgot that I had taken off the oil patina on the washita.
Both can look similar, but the identity becomes apparent when used for a bit.
Only used it there for the first time in a while, it is certainly faster than the soft ark I have,
maybe twice as fast cutting.
These two pics was when the washita had the patina
This is the soft Arkansas with the oil patina
The washita becomes whiter and loses the mottled browns, while the soft ark loses the mottling also, and becomes more of an even lighter colour.
Just as a side note, I mentioned recently that I was finding getting a near unnoticeable camber was proving difficult... whilst trying to flatten the stone also makes some extra work.
I had this whiteboard/notice board over at the door for ages, which I thought would be a good idea
but never served any purpose....
Been looking at it ever since, and only the other day I decided to make use of it.
I've been using this soft ark for a few months now, squinting away whilst fumbling with the worklight trying to get the camber perfect.
The thing was just a few feet away from me, but it didn't click how useful it might be =D> :roll:
What a daft brush for not doing it sooner