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Eric The Viking

Established Member
19 Jan 2010
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Bristle, CUBA (the County that Used to Be Avon)
I was looking at the bandsaw thread over in Buying Advice, and spotted this on the Axminster site :oops: ...

Do you think it's power feed? :lol:

I cannot work out what it is. What intrigues me is the direction of the blade changing slot in the table. How is that working ?
Grahamshed":343bma5y said:
I cannot work out what it is. What intrigues me is the direction of the blade changing slot in the table. How is that working ?
It's a feather board. The 'fingers' apply gentle pressure on the timber to keep it against the fence etc. Or would do if they were facing the correct way - unlike the one shown. LOL

The blade changing slot it better there as you don't need to remove the fence to change the blade. Open the doors, pull blade off wheels, turn and slide out the slot. Reverse to install. :)

EDIT ... 0&bih=1078
carlb40":39921w8q said:
Grahamshed":39921w8q said:
I cannot work out what it is. What intrigues me is the direction of the blade changing slot in the table. How is that working ?
It's a feather board. The 'fingers' apply gentle pressure on the timber to keep it against the fence etc. Or would do if they were facing the correct way - unlike the one shown. LOL

The blade changing slot it better there as you don't need to remove the fence to change the blade. Open the doors, pull blade off wheels, turn and slide out the slot. Reverse to install. :)
I agree on the feather board but cannot see how the blade changing works. The slot looks to be over the dust extraction so how is it getting inside the case ?
Its a featherboard called Magswitch. With an attachment for resawing ie a high sided featherboard. The principle of magswitch is brilliant. Two staggeringly powerful rare earth magnets are baked into the underside of the plastic and you switch them on/off with the black knobs. I have one and its great on any machine with cast iron. Extruded aluminium fences......not so good :)

The magnets are tiny and yet so powerful that you can trust it will never move as the stock moves through the blade. (The benefit of course is you don't have the faff of clamping a home made featherboard)
I have one of them Bob(feather board that is), and agree they are brilliant on any metal Worksop
Mmmm. I guess so. Probably easier than taking off the fence guide like I have to on my Axi 400 but a bit of a chaff by the look of it.
I guess it's what you get used to doing. Once done a few times either way becomes second nature. :)
it looks similar to mine. It is the only bandsaw that i have had, but blade changing is easy enough. remove table insert, slacken off the guide bearings, release tension, take blade off. you wiggle and turn it to remove through slot, and reverse the process. Couple of minutes all in at a guess. 1" blades are awkward to jiggle about, so if buying more i will stick to max 3/4"
whiskywill":1cpnd79g said:
carlb40":1cpnd79g said:
Or would do if they were facing the correct way - unlike the one shown. LOL

I think the feathers are the right way around, but I am prepared to be proved wrong. :?
Wrong way round - the feathers should point in the direction of feed, the way that's oriented they'll lock up against the in-feed pressure.
JustBen":7oh9fcwt said:
The feather board is made for a table saw which has the fence on the right of the blade, that's why it's wrong.

That's what I spotted. It's the first mistake I've ever seen on an Axminster picture.
That's probably quite a recommendation!

Unfortunately, if it is a magswitch one, you couldn't turn it round in that position, either. It would work if you swapped the fence to the other (near) side though. Awkward, but not impossible.
The feather board will go on either way up with a bit of bolt undoing.
I have a set and I bought another rather than having to change the direction for my various machines ...Saw planer bandsaw router table...I use them on all machines


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