This was mine. For me, it is the work of a mature designer who has no reason to shout about his 'talent'. For me, in comparison, the peacock chair is aptly named, a clumsy noisy shouty attention-seeking horrid thing.
This chair is restraint. Nothing is done for sheer show, there's no pomp or circumstance. No frills, no pretension, no belief that one man can reinvent the idea of a chair (etc). No attempt to try and make something to prove that a material can be be bent to any man's will whatever that is. It is simply, an maybe boringly, a very brilliant man's hyper-careful reinvigoration of a classic form, done with lightest of touches to make a classic form with a very very modernist twist. It's the work of someone who know he doesn't have have to try too (obviously) hard, because actually it is in the detail, not the extremity, of what you can achieve.