Interesting pieces of furniture 20

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OK, here we have the 20th in the series of interesting pieces of furniture for your consideration which was sent to me by one of our members a while back.

The member said:

I am quite a fan of several pieces made by our Philly and also I like a lot of James Krenov's work, so naturally Philly's Krenovian cabinet sits high up in my list of all time favourite pieces of furniture.
I love the book matching on the drawer fronts and the the doors, and the proportions just seem so right. Having seen this in the 'flesh', I was impressed with the level of finish and the detailing as well as Philly's honesty pointing out little 'defects' and the slight inconsistencies as a a result of using hands such as the slightly uneven chambers round the top.
An outstanding piece of furniture that I wish I had the skill to make.



The website detailing the build is to be found here

All are welcome to comment on the pieces and please pm me with links to any photos that you would like featured here and a few lines explaining why

I will copy all items of furniture I post here into a single sticky thread in the Design Forum, thus creating a pictorial 'list' of interesting furniture here
Who is this Philly character? He must be a bit pretentious to produce a piece of furntiture like that. He'll be making planes next. :roll: :wink:

Seriously though, I'm not really a fan of cabinets on legs. I never really saw the point of the wasted space underneath. Having said that, I thing this piece is fantastic. I love the way the legs go right to the top. The bookmatched doors look great an the handles are idealy suited.
I really like this. I love the mish mash of styles from the semi oriental look to the two tone finish. I would be worried that it would be top heavy so I would have to secure the top to a wall to ensure it didn't tip forward. This would be a shame because I really like the back too. Nice looking piece though.
Philly":1rz6t0fg said:
Thanks Gents!
LN - Brusso hinges from Classic Hand Tools. Not cheap but nice :wink:
Philly :D

Brusso Kit as Phil says not cheap but sbject to a 10% discount at the moment I think if anyone was thinking of buying.

Cheers Mike
Without trying to offend, I love the top half but I think the legs are a little clunky at the bottom. I think it would be more elegant with a taper. Otherwise superb.
Yes I like it, I also have the concern for the wasted space beneath the cabinet but if you cannot spare a bit of space for such a cabinet you have no soul
A demanding piece, requiring a high level of skill. I remember seeing it when I came down for the Big Bash. Very nice, Phil.

Cheers :wink:

Well here goes.

I expect to have the bejesus pummelled out of me by the people here. I don't know philly yet but am looking forward to meeting up somewhere maybe at this years Ally Pally.

But my feelings about this are:-

1) The overall aestheic is pretty close to excellent. Somehow there is just a hint of not quite being in best proportion but I'm stuck as to why that is. I guess I would need to see and feel it to understand whether what I feel is true or false.
2) I dislike the top where the legs stick up above the cabinet...I found myself hiding these to see what it would look like but I think that the 4 top bits of the legs could have been removed and a smoother top outline would have changed the dynamics of the piece. How might the top be styled to be like the legs...that is somewhat orientalish.?
3) The wood contrast and book matching seems excellent. I wondered if the contrast of woods had been more whether the piece would still have worked or not. Krenov often used wood which had more contrast and they seemed to have an extra zing.
4) The legs are a very good attempt at creating an unusual and attractive shape but maybe just a tad heavy looking
5) Legs below are pretty good. Like one of the other posters I wondered if they would benefit from being tapered on the two inner surfaces to add some additional lightness to the shape. I also asked myself if the whole leg could of been of smaller section and would this have helped...I am uncertain but suspect a yes answer when I see it.
6) Cabinet handle is an excellent proportion and contrast. Drawer handles I am a little uncertain about...need to see it and feel it I guess

All in all a very creditable effort from philly. It would be very insightful to see philly's against an example from Krenov. That would be in itself an accolade to philly

So there we have it a bit picky and bit maybe/ what if.
