Our local botanic garden saves itself some money on disposal of greenwaste by allowing members of its Friends organisation to remove any timber fellings/thinnings. Some time last year I picked up a load for firewood and left it to dry. Cut up one of the lengths yesterday and was surprised at the weight of it. Did a check and the specific gravity is about 1.3, so it sinks like a stone in water. Couldn't identify it, but talking to the Head Gardener today (while collecting another trailerload) he said straight off it was Exochorda. Can't find much about this on the web, as most of that family seem to be shrubs and the bit of trunk in question is about 10" diameter. It splits pretty easily, but is incredibly hard, with a really nice grain. Unfortunately, I'd dismissed it as a bit of wet yew when picked up, so all the pieces are very split, so not useable for much. Wondered if anyone had encountered this?