Intercepted signed-for post - who is responsible?

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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
I ordered something via the web which needed to be signed for. I never received the package but checking the Royal Mail website I can see that it has been signed for - with a scrawl - and the name Hunter. We don't have any neighbours. I know of no-one by that name.

Question...who is responsible for chasing up the non-delivery? Me or the people who sent the order. They say that because it was signed for it is down to me. I maintain that it is their responsibility since they have the contract with Royal Mail to supply it to me.
RogerS":hoge1cha said:
I ordered something via the web which needed to be signed for. I never received the package but checking the Royal Mail website I can see that it has been signed for - with a scrawl - and the name Hunter. We don't have any neighbours. I know of no-one by that name.

Question...who is responsible for chasing up the non-delivery? Me or the people who sent the order. They say that because it was signed for it is down to me. I maintain that it is their responsibility since they have the contract with Royal Mail to supply it to me.

Your right, they have contracted the Royal Mail to deliver a parcel to you and until you receive it this has not been done.
The delivery driver has obviously delivered it to the wrong house in the wrong street, and the scumbag who signed for it obviously knew that it was not for him, and probably signed a dodgy name.

The people who sent you the parcel will not lose out because they will make a claim from the RM.

Is it a company that sent you the parcel or someone private on ebay for instance?


Dunno about the legalities etc. Roger but I received a package that needed a sig, except it already had one..... the Postmans??? It was delivered to my friends shop and I just happened to be there at the time. He even told me he'd done it. :shock:
So a sig is worth diddly from what I can see.
Mike - it was a company. They insist it's down to me to chase. So I told them to stick it, that I'd clam a chargeback from my credit card company (they really love that).
RogerS":w1h9dy6q said:
Mike - it was a company. They insist it's down to me to chase. So I told them to stick it, that I'd clam a chargeback from my credit card company (they really love that).

If it's not your signature or that of someone else resident at the address given for delivery then, as far as I'm concerned, it aint been delivered. That makes it their problem, not yours.
I had this argument with a Book company who claimed they'd sent me the books I ordered. I hadn't received any books so blocked the payment. They threatened to take me to court, I said please do or, show me the delivery note with MY signature on it and I'll pay. I didn't hear any more about it.
RogerS":1pz2iqaq said:
Mike - it was a company. They insist it's down to me to chase. So I told them to stick it, that I'd clam a chargeback from my credit card company (they really love that).

:lol: Well done mate, these companies start pulling their hair out when you mention credit card charge backs, because they know that the credit card company will take no prisoners when they ask for the money due to them :lol:

IMHO they are another company that I would not be doing business with again :lol:


RogerS":3vcnaxy3 said:
Mike - it was a company. They insist it's down to me to chase. So I told them to stick it, that I'd clam a chargeback from my credit card company (they really love that).

Go for it Rog - don't look back & don't take any prisoners!
Hi Roger,

been there, done that!
Going back about 5 years ago, my wife ordered a digital camera for my birthday, and it was sent by Parcel Force on a signed for basis.
We waited a few days but no sign, so got back to the supplier who said it had been delivered 3 days previously and signed for - they supplied me with a scan of the signature as well.
To say it was nothing like mine or my wife's was an understatement, and the 'printed' version beneath the sig was no one around my street either.
Parcel Force said they would 'investigate' which threw up the delivery drivers version of 'I delivered it to the correct address, they are having building work done and they have a dog. Perhaps it was a builder who signed for it.'
I was building a porch extension myself, so I was that builder, and yes, we had a dog, but whether that makes it a proper delivery? I think not!
Anyway, while waiting to see how it was to be handled, I was out in the extension a few days later (still open to the elements, and with no door etc) and there, on top of a few discarded boxes from materials, was the camera.
My money is on the postman being too lazy to wait for the signature, scrawled it himself and lobbed it in the porch.
As luck would have it, we had no rain so it was still intact, and I could have kept it and claimed a new one from Parcel Force, but i'm too honest, and told them it was discovered and where I found it.
They promised me a 'full investigation'.
I'm still awaiting the outcome...

With those awful machines they use now I doubt that they can prove delivery even with a signature. It's impossible to write legibly on those plastic screens - your signature could be anybody's.

I went through all this earlier this year, with an item I had posted recorded delivery. It never arrived, and I put in train the claim procedure. When nothing happened, I complained to Royal Mail, and they denied responsibility, saying that recorded didn't mean anything. But there is a Govt department that oversees complaints. One phone call to them, and the cheque was (literally) "in the post".

Then yesterday, I was sent a package on "before 1:0pm next day delivery". No sign of it still, the tracking system just says it is in their system and that they are unlikely to deliver over weekend. So much for their "promises".

Just don't expect Royal Mail to play ball unless you can get a bigger gun on your side. But I guess the trouble here is that the claimant is your supplier, and they don't want the hassle if they've got your money.
