Insulating a wooden garage using EcoTech

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grumpy brit

Established Member
21 Nov 2021
Reaction score
West Sussex
I have a large wooden garage, 42mm thick twin tongue and groove walls, with 2 double glazed windows, 1 passenger door with double glazed window and a large 2 door access at the front. The roof is 22mm tongue and groove, painted with black jack and then felted.
During the summer months this space is not accessible as it gets very hot, not too bad in the winter as I can turn on my propane gas heater, (which I only use for short periods and only if it is really cold), or put on an extra layer.
I have found a product by EcoTech which is basically bubble wrap with a foil coating on both sides. It takes up very little room and needs an air gap of min 25mm between the wall and the insulation. Their blurb does say that
"Reflects more heat back in to any Timber Building keeping you warmer in winter. And just as important our insulation reflects excessive heat on hot summer days"
My query is, has anyone used this product, and will it help in the summer. I do not expect a miracle solution.

Many thanks

Used it in the roof of a goat shed to help keep in heat in the winter, certainly made a difference, I was given a bit for free so not sure of cost effectiveness but I assume it's not to pricey. Didn't think about it in the summer as the shed is in the shade. We did get wasps nesting behind it which was irritating, not blaming the product but would fit in a way you can temporally remove if plagued by the stripy gits.