Incongruous film casting

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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
Old news perhaps but just saw a trailer for the new Jack Reacher film being made/about to be released.

Now in case you're not a fan, Jack Reacher is an ex-military police Major. Over 6' plus and then some. 200 lbs of pure muscle. 50" chest. He knows more about dirty mean and nasty fighting then the SAS and the SEALS put together.

And who is going to play Jack Reacher? Why, Tom Cruise :shock: ...snigger......I can't think of a more incongruous bit of casting.

So here's the thread theme....

which other incongruous casting for well-known film parts can you think of?
another film not to watch because of tom short arse cruise

i did type short a r s # and it put buttocks lolz
As a fan of the Jack Reacher books, I would have thought that Tom Cruise was the exact opposite of the character required. Although Reacher is portrayed as highly intelligent, he is supposed to be "beyond exceptional" at all forms of unarmed combat, to go with his 6'5" body with a 50" chest as you say. I thought Mr Cruise is about 5'6" tall. They might as well have gone for Johnny Depp!!
thought Mr Cruise is about 5'6" tall
perhaps they are going to put him on a box or all the other stars will walk in trenches
look on the bright side, it`s welcome work for the midget actors who they`ll have to use to make tom look big.
hmm,,,bad casting in movies

Slyvester stallone in Judge dredd ?, or come to think of it, Stallone in most of his movies....

Kylie minogue in street fighter

and thats the easy ones.....
well they hired him for the chin in judge dredd if he had kept his helmet on like he always did in the comic would have be ok
Poor old Keanu, I really enjoyed the Matrix :)

Matthew McConaughey and Steve Zahn in Sahara :evil: the film was a ***** take on the book, whoever thought they would be a good Dirk and Al needs a stern talking to :evil: :evil: :evil:
That skinny French woman and Tom Hanks in that idiot da Vinci film a couple of years ago...what was that all about? - Rob
woodbloke":3ko49buf said:
That skinny French woman and Tom Hanks in that idiot da Vinci film a couple of years ago...what was that all about? - Rob
I was just about to say the Da Vinci Code. The book wasn't too bad, but that film was utter pants.
mark aspin":356jevms said:
woodbloke":356jevms said:
That skinny French woman and Tom Hanks in that idiot da Vinci film a couple of years ago...what was that all about? - Rob
I was just about to say the Da Vinci Code. The book wasn't too bad, but that film was utter pants.
I've just remembered that it was a Ron Howard film and his stuff is usually quite good...he failed miserably with this one though - Rob
Everything to do with the Hollywood version of 'I am Legend' - all wrong and they appeared to have cast special effects from the early 80's instead of cutting edge contemporary work. Shocking.
Charlize Theron =P~ in Monster.. :shock:
good film and the great performances, but how did the casting crew come up with CT?

'We need some butt ugly homicidal manly looking type of munter'
'i know just the girl! - Charlize Theron!' :?:

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