Image Required. Pencil Artist Required

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Established Member
3 Mar 2005
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Hi chaps

I'm after a picture and I've been trawling google images and istock photo for the best part of the day with little joy. What I want is a picture of the outside of a workshop. It has to be landscape and the workshop has to 'look' like a woodworking workshop. As a woodworker, you have to 'know' you're looking at a woodworking workshop when you see the pic. Kind of the quintessential workshop.

Seeing as I've already scanned the web quite a bit, this might not be something that is easy to put into imagery. I keep coming up with sheds which either look to modern or too dilapidated or too American.

I'm prepared to travel and take the pic myself. I guess what I'm really asking is if you think there is an ultimate 'look' for woodworking buildings?

Obscure I know, but any help appreciated.
Tom, Tom-----Say it ain't so--- "too american"


:twisted: :twisted:

Travis--- :D :D
Is this for your own blog or website, Tom?

If so, wouldn't it be better to photograph your own 'shop? :)
No it's not for my blog and photographing the outside of my workshop would say "Some blokes garage". That's not what I'm after. This is a favour for someone else.

To be honest. I think what I'm after does not properly exist in this country. I don't think we have a typical style of woodworking workshop. The US seem to have a traditional out building 'style' which you know is a workshop of some sort. Over here it's either garden sheds or garages.

I'll probably have to change my direction.
Thanks matt but the pine makes it look American again. Plus it's more carpentry than woodworking. Fussy, I know.
Screen grab from Cutting Edge Woodworker - he has a very nice workshop and remember it looking nice from the outside too?
Nope that doesn't do it either Jim. Looks like a stable

Gidon, I'll go and have a look at that, I have some episodes recorded. Also 'John's Workshop' was kinda along the lines I'm looking at.

I'm actually starting to think it might be better as a line drawing, if I can find someone who can draw what I describe (for a reasonable fee )
Thanks Mark.

This might be near to what I have in mind.


It's pretty 'typical'. Bloke in his shed kind of feel. I'm going to keep looking as I'd prefer something more 'rural' in a more idylic setting. The main problem with Readers Sheds is that I can't really re-use an image on there.
Right having discussed this I think the only way to get what I want is to have it as a line drawing or pencil sketch (no colour)

Does anyone know someone who can do this to spec. It's not a profitable job so I'd be looking for low fee.

I need it to be about 300mm long x 70mm high.

This sort of style.
Hi Tom

I can't do the sketch, but if you can find a suitable image I may be able to convert it for you in Photoshop.

The image you posted was not particularly suitable but I tried a very quick conversion:

If you find a suitable image and want me to have a go at it just let me know.
Thanks Kevin, I have photoshop I'll see if I can get that I want.
Might not be what you're after, but if you can find a big enough photo you might be able to 'shop something close.


Ah, beaten to it :roll:
yes that is very near actually Steve. But I think it needs to look a bit worn and used, 'lived in'. Kindof a weathered look. I think I'm getting closer to what I need.
3d render would work well if I could find someone who can do it to my spec. But I doubt it'd be cheap. This sort of thing: ... /matte.jpg

i.e a country setting with a workshop over to the far right. Tho a more British landscape is important. Having something drawn is an interesting thought and would mean I could have elements added that ensures it looks like a woodworking workshop.