You're on a website thats kept running by the hard work (and believe me it's hard work, I used to moderate a gaming site with a population of 200 and the shi*e we used to deal with.... UKW has I dunno? How many thousand members?) You want to sell or buy you abide by a code of honour that from what I see 99.9% abide by. It's a voluntary thing done mostly by a code of honour. There's no price protection, there's no insurance. No Paypal Guarantee. But it works nearly all the time.
If you abide by the spirit of it it's fine.
It's governed by trust in strangers that share an interest. The same reason I've have been sent nice timber by a man I never met for free because he has a genuine interest in helping no hopers like me, the same reason I been sent free files by a top man in Wales. One fella turned a front knob for a plane for me for nothing. I bought my favourite plane off another guy fully tuned for £20. A lovely fella put my bench through his industrial p/t when I was just starting out Free of charge. Took a break from cleaning a broken macerator on a sunday at work to do it and never once laughed at my idiot questions.
I can carry on listing the kindnesses of strangers if you want.
In all honesty. If I'd never found this site I'd probably have given up by now. Even my small and infrequent projects are spurred on by the enthusiasms of others, the willingness of those wanting to share and being really inspired by those more skillful than me.
I've been the grateful recipent of answered questions on everything from backing boards for showers to close setting a cap iron and the best way to sharpen. Just kidding about the last two. I already knew the best ways t do that.
Point being, in a rambling and roundabout way, I haven't strayed off the path at all. It's all part of the same thing.
It's about trust and it's about community.
No disrespect intended Bodgers, I don't come on here to make enemies or be rude. Ever.
I can do that in real life.
There's always Ebay fella.
Greatest Respects.