Wireless hotspots are locations where there is a wireless signal that you can access ...either for free or for a small fee. Be warned though that your data can be eavesdropped if the owner of the wireless access point is that way inclined.
I get paranoid when using internet cafe's and the like especially when accessing any of my accounts that require a password and username. I usually look for the ability to clear the browser cache before I log out (although that won't stop a determined store owner perusing the hidden data left behind whenever you use a PC on the web....). When I recently used an Internet cafe in Italy I was alarmed to find out that clearing cache was not available. So as I'd just entered in my banking details I was none to chuffed. I'm watching the account like a hawk but gut feel says I'm OK. Just be careful.
Alternatively your hotel might have the room wired for ethernet...best ring and check beforehand.
If you go down the modem route be prepared for lots of shilly-shallying while you enter the various numbers to get out of the hotel and then to ring your ISP. You will almost certainly need to put in at least one comma in the dial string after the number you use to get a line in the hotel. Some hotel switchboards are modem unfriendly. Here speaks a retired 'road-warrior' who frequently travelled with laptop to Europe, Scandinavia, and the USA.