I also have one of these benches. Lots of manufacturers roll out the exact same thing and mine was from Draper. I paid around £100 as well and was very dissapointed though I had just started in WW so didn't have the skills or confidence to make my own (probably still don't :shock
I shored up mine with 1/2" ply all around the legs where they meet the top to stop it rocking so much even when doing light jobs.
The Faithful presentation set on the the top was my first tool purchase (I was young and naive in Aug. of last year

) but pretty quickly went back to the shop and replaced with Veritas
I do handplane on it cause I haven't got anything else at the moment. I have to use the front vice and plane from the left side in towards the length of the bench with one foot on the lower shelf - very awkward. I have been eyeing out the concrete floor in my shed and wondering if I could sink some threaded bar and bolt the sucker down.
As mentioned the 1/4" ply underneath is rubbish and gives way pretty quickly to even light clamping, The drawer is actually tiny inside and pretty much only good for holding the 4 wood and 4 metal dogs provided. Also the dog holes aren't the same size as what seems to be common (can't remeber sizes) so all those lovely bench accesories that Veritas and others do wont fit this bench unless you refill and redrill the holes to the right size. The cast iron metalwork on the vices is quite poor and there is so much lateral movement on the vice that if I'm only using one end of a vice I have to use a clamp as well to keep the workpiece from coming loose and smashing onto the floor. And most importantly the top joins the legs with pretty small screws, no tenons...nothing...
Not worth the money by a long shot in my opinion.