I made a box


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Established Member
10 Dec 2020
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Lancaster ,
This was maybe my 4th or 5th project. But definitely the most difficult. My other projects , a coffee table , Xmas star , 3 legged stool all had a much greater margin of error.
I wanted to make something a bit more technical and learn some new techniques. So I followed a YouTube vid and made a nice little box from old pallet wood.
It's not perfect but turned out ok I think.


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I like the knot too and often use scraps for small boxes so that I can improve techniques but which if I deem passable and not fit for firewood I usually pass on to my wife or wider family.

I often find the smaller boxes more fiddly both in terms of the dimensioning and getting the joints to line up as I feel any flaws stand out more which is why I like yours so much.

The first three pictures I've attached are of a box made from cherry and walnut. I initially tried to mitre the walnut internals but as they're only around 2mm thick, they were splintering despite trying several ways around it - I ended up butt-jointing them which wasn't ideal, but OK. The split on the lid was filled with black two-part filler from Morrells.

The second box is walnut and maple and a fair bit smaller but which I turned into a music box for one of the tunes she used to sing/hum to our youngest so there's a shelf inside which this sits on and a recess in the base for the key.


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Nice work - as you say the smaller you go the lower the margin for error so a good learning exercise on measuring marking and dimensioning the wood.
Did you take any WIP pictures - always nice to see the process you followed.
Thanks. But no I didn't. I just followed a YouTube vid by Steve Ramsey. I've been watching alot of his videos. The good thing is it turned out looking somewhat like his.
It was a bit nerve-racking cutting the lid off. It was my 1st time using a router table. Silly how nervous I felt hoping the inner and outer grooves lined up to release the lid and leave a lip.
I think I walked away 3 or 4 times before I got the box to the router bit 😂

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