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Established Member
15 Aug 2007
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Thurrock, Essex
for the last 4 days I was is the most horrible pain in one of my molar tooth ( in which I had a root canal about a year ago). Pain killer, Antibiotics, Xylocaine Spray were not enought to cure the pain, 2 night ago in an attack of madness I almost extracted my self the teeth :shock: last evening I went to a new dentist (cause my was totally bussy until next week) after examination an xray he conclude that the gold crow was too heavy for the teeth and prescrive a very heavy antibiotic :twisted: which he promice by next morning I will be all right (after all the paint I can't really belive on this) BUT I WAS WRONG TODAY I FEEL GREAT.... just a reminder for everyone there is always hope :D
Tooth ache is worse tham any other ache of pain i have ever had :cry:

Private dentistry i assume, to get an appointment that quick :lol:
Hitch":2is33r88 said:
Tooth ache is worse tham any other ache of pain i have ever had :cry:

Private dentistry i assume, to get an appointment that quick :lol:

Not really I called NHS direct they have a list of local dentist who do emergencys after a few calls I found a doctor who I conviced to check me the same day, Maybe was because he felt my desperation over the phone :D
What I don't understand is why a tooth that's had a root canal should ache anyway? The root canal removes all the nerves and the tooth is effectively 'dead'.

FWIW I also have an upper molar in which I had a root canal about 14 years ago and it still aches from time to time. (The othodontist was a 'butcher' and blinded me for about 30 seconds when he shot in too much anaesthetic into the deep root.) Right now I have another lower molar that the same orthodontist told me needed a root canal too and it also 'niggles' me and is sensitive to hot/cold. Been that way for 14 years. My NHS dentist has told me to use a sensitive teeth toothpaste! I wonder if it's simply that the NHS doesn't want to pay £1000 for a root canal??? Personally, I don't think the tooth is worth that much, and if it gets too bad it'll come out. I can get a full set of dentures for less than the cost of one root canal!! That makes a LOT of sense, especially as I'm now officially an old fart! Would be different if I was 50 years younger...

I don't think most dentists deliver in the best interests of the patient. The last private dentist I went too was exhorbitantly priced and recommended a load of work that I didn't need. NHS dentists won't do any work because they don't get paid. I did have a friend who went to Hungary, and he recommends it! You can get the airfare, hotel and full treatment for less than the cost of private treatment in the UK - and you have a holiday to boot.
My wife is a dental nurse and she is always complaining about the standard that is dictated by the NHS, Some things actually work out cheaper done privately, fillings on the NHS use amalgam which contains mercury anything that might be remotely classed as cosmetic is not allowed.
Dentists have to work according to the rules ansd are dictated to by both the NHS and the organisation that owns the surgery, few dentists are working for themselves. If possible get a dentist from eastern europe, they think that british standards are barbaric and generally have a far greater standard and attitude towards patients IMHO (and that of SWMBO)

White House Workshop":3pj1bqjm said:
FWIW I also have an upper molar in which I had a root canal about 14 years ago and it still aches from time to time.

The gold crown in my teeth is too heavy for the dead teeth and this caused the pain in the Gum. This friday when the infention is over the dentis will remove some gold to make it lighter and tried to prevent future pain in the same teeth. Maybe you have a similar problem as me
I broke one of my incisors when I was ten, getting out of the swimming pool and trying to eat the poolside at the same time.

About a year ago I went to my dentist, recently taken over by a larger company so all the dentists are now employed. MY new dentist is, indeed from eastern Europe, I think.

I had to have a chipped filling repaired and he offered to "do" my front gap at the same time. I declined, it had been that way for 39 years and I wasn't sure how it would feel never mind look.

But, rather vainly, I mocked up some photos of me in PaintShop Pro and so when I next went I asked about it. 15 minutes later I had a brand new front tooth, indistinguishable from the original. It's even just a tad wonky, so it looks natural.

The cost? Not a penny more than I would have had to pay if I hadn't had it done. I needed some more repair work, fee just under £50 IIRC, and I could have up to three fillings for that. The repair was tiny, but would still have cost £50, so I reckon I got a very good deal.

My slightly flawed looks have now been rendered, once again, perfect.
Steve Maskery":wjnyq3w1 said:
My slightly flawed looks have now been rendered, once again, perfect.

Perfect? Who's that guy on your DVD's then? :p :wink: