I assume everyone knows what this is ...


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Phil Pascoe

Established Member
29 Jan 2012
Reaction score
Shaft City, Mid Cornish Desert
My daughter's partner, a good well qualified builder with ten years experience didn't.

IMG0073A - Copy.jpg
If he were a farmer, he'd recognise it immediately as an AI kit :oops::D

Archimedes would have known exactly what it really is, of course...
Used one years back on a large decking and landscaping job - a visitor of the cust checked my work with his laser level and said it was out -( he was a surveyor) so I checked my work with a sprit level and I was pretty close . Turns out his level was faulty and I suggested he buy one to which he replied-what’s it actually called and did you make it yourself. We had a laugh about it when the work was done and every time he visited it got mentioned. Old ways often The best ..
Beats modern tech hands down!
Goes round corners, through walls and in between line of sight obstructions.
Can't see laser doing that, so modern technology actually a step backwards 🤔 😳 🙄 😬 🤣🤣
About 10 years ago, I was working on a building site fitting a kitchen for the Client.
It was a fairly big kitchen with a large island in the middle of the room and the Induction Hob was to be fitted in the island.
I'd already had the Builder install the 150mm CSA ducting up in the roof space, prior to them putting up the ceiling and had just told him to leave plenty of slack on the flexible ducting that was to drop down and connect to the outlet of the Hood itself.
I told the builder, I would just drill the hole and pull the flexi ducting down once I'd got the exact position I needed once the island was in place.

After the Island and Hob were in position, I went to get my laser level out of my van, only to find the batteries were flat, so I dug out my old Plumb Bob that I'd made as a small project in Metalwork at school back in 1976.

Whilst I was in the process of getting a C/L from the Hob up to the ceiling, a young apprentice Chippy who was also working in the same house, asked me what I was using.......and he couldn't understand how it could possibly be accurate.....I tried to explain to him about Issac Newton and the laws of gravity, but he was having none of it and was convinced a bit of string and a metal weight with a pointed end was not going to work.....😁😁😁
I have a very nice one with a scale mounted in a wooden case and the whole lot in a wooden box to contain a water container and the flexible tube. I got it for free many years ago during an office clearance and have used it for landscaping and various tasks since. I now have a couple of laser levels but they dont go around corners.