I’ve got some cherry logs I’d like to turn in to timber. But….


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29 Jul 2024
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It I don’t have a bandsaw or chain saw

So is there a way I can turn the logs I have, 3 of them around a metre long and 30cm diameter, in to timber that I can dry, using just hand tools

It I don’t have a bandsaw or chain saw

So is there a way I can turn the logs I have, 3 of them around a metre long and 30cm diameter, in to timber that I can dry, using just hand tools

How much time do you have? You could use a handsaw, or possibly split them...
It I don’t have a bandsaw or chain saw

So is there a way I can turn the logs I have, 3 of them around a metre long and 30cm diameter, in to timber that I can dry, using just hand tools

One of the traditional ways would be by starting an initial split with an axe and then banging in a load of wedges. An axe was often used for an initial roughing out of the planks.

There are a load of videos on YouTube doing this sort of thing. This one seems quite good but there are lots if you look.

Ripping a 30cm dia log by hand would be a huge workout. If you are fit and dedicated its doable but will be slow going. With a bandsaw it will need to be a bigish one and at least 2kw. Expensive. A chainsaw and some kind of milling attachment would be likely less than half the cost of a bandsaw to cut that size log but unless you know chainsaws there is a learning curve. I have had a few goes at splitting logs with mixed success as they dont always play how you would like. If it is a good strait grained log then have a go. I have had some success with a combination of chainsaw and bandsaw. My bandsaw is 1.5kw and can cut up to 250mm with a sharp blade on a good day. Cut the 300mm log in half so the bandsaw only has to cope with 150mm. Cut a kerf top and bottom sides of the log then split with wedges. A circular saw could also cut the kerfs. Anyhow the wedge splitting should follow the kerfs unless it is a very knarly grained log. If you can split them in half somehow you will have way more chance ripping them by hand if thats your only option. This guy is ripping a 100mm log fairly easily so 150mm is way more doable than 300mm.
hand ripping a 12 '' log - Google Search
Eat some porridge and grab the tools
Yes, a froe (a frow) or a splitting axe, all hit with a beetle like that in the vid. Any recalcitrant rascals can be wedged open as well.

Such rived wood can be a good option as you're likely to get nice straight-grain pieces with no grain run-out. Strong ..... but possibly also with a wind (as in wind-a-clock, not blowin' in the wind). Once you've split out a plank or four, you can tidy them up with a drawknife.

This fellah is good on the making of furniture from rived timber:
